The Causes of Cellulite

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Cellulite is an aesthetically non - pathological concern that affects more than 85% of females and a minority of males and is not limited to a particular race. In females, cellulite is identified during the post puberty stages of development due to the structural changes the body undergoes and at this point of time can have effects on the individuals self esteem and self consciousness.

Cellulite can develop often seen in areas of the upper limbs, abdominal and gluteal regions, and in some cases on the upper arms and is due to poor circulation that in time leads to accumulation of fluid and decreased removal of toxins. Cellulite has variably been attributed to structural, circulatory, inflammatory and hormonal factors. Genetics, stress, poor diet and exercise and hormonal conditions all contribute to the development of this structural disorder.

General terms commonly used to describe the appearance of cellulite is the ‘orange peel, mattress-like, dimpling or cottage cheese affect’ and this can vary in the degree of presence upon each individual.

The displeasing dimpling effect that is visible on an individual with cellulite can be characterized by interstitial edema, secondary connective tissue fibrosis, and by a metabolic abnormality affecting the subcutaneous tissue and the structural changes in the dermis. The anatomy of subcutaneous tissue includes a duo of layers divided by loose areolar tissue and is complex as the structure is usually present with excess subcutaneous fat, the microcirculatory system, the lymphatic system as well as extracellular matrix. It is shown that cellulite is made up of four phases of degeneration and will be further explained.

The first phase occurrence of cellulite predominantly lies in the cell...

... middle of paper ... and nutritional advice to improve overall fitness. With a combination of professional advise and therapies, many underlying issues can be addressed and the individual can be on their path to a positive lifestyle influence.

In conclusion, based on the anatomic variances that range from particular body sites and the difference in structures that make up the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, the severity of cellulite present is altered amongst those with cellulite. The efficacy of Endermologie for the reduction of cellulite has been observed as an effective method for fat mobilization and body sculpting. This modality restructures the sub-dermal

connective tissue, stimulates blood and lymph circulation and facilitates the

elimination of toxins. It is unparalleled in the ability this method has to remove cellulite without

surgical intervention or medication.

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