The Captured Summary

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Scott Zesch graduated from Harvard Law School, and Texas A&M University. Mr. Zesch is a winner of the Western History Associations Ray Allen Billington Award, as well as of the Biennical TCU Texas Book award for the best book published in 2003 or 2004. Scott Zesch has also written other books other than "The Captured" including " The Chinatown War" and " Alamo Heights". Mr. Zesch wrote "The Captured" because when Zesch found out that he had a great uncle named Adolph Korn who had been abducted by Indians, he was determined to find out more about this abduction. When he did, Zesch decided to write a book explaining who his great uncle was, how he came to know about this abduction and the events taken place throughout this incident. Zesch wanted his book to be represent a synthesis of sources that are trustworthy. With that said Zesch focused mainly on the German children who were abducted. Throughout the book the feel of …show more content…

Web. 27 Nov. 2015. In the review Jeanette, starts to state how the book was clearly written which I agree with the book itself is factual in so any ways but the book doesn't necessarily jump from one thing to another, it is focused on its topic and flows with the rest of the content. I also agree with the fact that Ms. Jeanette says that the book becomes dry and a little hard to read, I had some difficulty myself while reading this book. Ms. Jeanette also speaks about how she thought it was interesting that the memory of a child was questioned i believe that although the children had spent 14 months with the Natives I feel as though the child would have at least some sort of memory as to what happened to them and what troubles they had to live through, I do not believe that they just adapted to the tribal way of life and had no memory whatsoever of their past. I do believe however that they adapted to the way of the Natives to

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