The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Quotes

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Character Development Of Bruno My book The Boy In The Striped Pajamas is a book by John Boyne, The main character, Bruno, is a strong willed nine year old, who is suspicious and oblivious to what’s going on, in his home country, Germany. World War II is in it’s peak at the time the book takes place, and his Father runs the legendary, for the wrong reasons, concentration camp, Auschwitz.In the book, Bruno becomes quite suspicious when he moves to a house overlooking “Out-With”, home of The Boy in The Striped Pajamas. At one point Boyne makes these passages to show his suspiciousness, “Bruno and Gretel see hundreds of people but there were so many huts… ‘Look over there.’ said Bruno, and Gretel followed the finger he was pointing, ‘Who are they?’ ” Boyne wanted to convey that Bruno and Gretel, his sister, are untrusting towards the people in the striped pajamas. Another suspicious passage is when Bruno points out: “Who decided which …show more content…

This quote illustrates his almost innocent behavior in wondering why Shmuel is on the other side of the fence he says: “ ‘We’ve never even seen each other without this wire fencing in the way.’” Boyne shows in this quote by Bruno wondering why Shmuel can’t cross the fence to see each other. Another oblivious almost innocent quote by Bruno is : “ ‘Maybe you can come over for dinner some time?’” Bruno tells Shmuel this he believes that Shmuel can leave to go over the fence at any time he wants but Shmuel might actually know he can’t. The third and final passage comes from page 152. Bruno says: “ ‘Don’t you want to wear different clothes?’” This shows that Bruno still wonders why Shmuel can’t change his clothes from his Striped Pajamas. In short, Bruno,a strong-willed, oblivious and suspicious character , is a mainly static character whose obliviousness gets him

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