The Body Of Christopher Creed Analysis

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There are many relationships that you can find in the book The Body of Christopher Creed. I think one of the main ones is the relationship with Creed and his parents. From what I got from the book it seems like they had a love hate relationship. He had a strict life and couldn’t do much. His father wasn’t involved much in his life. That is probably part of the reason he disappeared. Whether he died or just ran away his home life had a part in it. That’s why that relationship in the book is so important. One of the main relationships that Creed has with someone in his family is his mother. She was in the military which caused her to be strict. She wants him to be safe but that causes him to be sheltered and unable to do a lot of things most normal teenagers get to do. The strictness probably put a strain on their relationship. All that harshness that was put on him probably drove him off the edge. He couldn’t handle it anymore. The mother thought she was doing what was best for him because she wanted to do better for her children that her parents did for her. Creed might not have seen it like that. That’s how his mom is important to …show more content…

His father doesn’t really show up in the story. When he does come in, he is emotionless. That is after his son went missing. It seemed like him and Creed didn’t have any type of relationship at all. That could’ve led to him disappearing too. A relationship with you parents are important. You can tell from the reading that him and his mother didn’t have a good relationship because of how strict she was. He didn’t really have a relationship with his father because he didn’t do anything for him. He didn’t really care for him it seemed like. When they were at the church after losing Creed, it didn’t seem like he cared much, or he was just holding it all in. With Creed he probably held everything too. That is how his father is important to this

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