Analysis Of The Movie 'DAD'

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I chose to watch the movie “DAD” with Jack Lemmon, Ted Danson, and Olympia Dukakis, just to name a few of the actors. In the past, I’ve seen “ The Notebook” and absolutely loved it but I wanted to give myself a new opportunity with a fresh perspective.

DAD is a story about a family, aging parents, controlling personalities, estranged son’s, and the power of love, as well as the dynamics of relationships. I found the movie to be a very accurate portrayal of not only getting old, but more importantly, about missed opportunities, taking people for granted, and the power of love along with dedication and loyalty.

This movie begins by telling the story of a husband and wife (Jack Lemmon and Olympia Dukakis) who live a very regimented …show more content…

To say that this story is a tear jerker would not be a fair assessment as it left me bawling like a baby. My parents are at their end stage of life and I am always reminding them, in laughter, that the bar is closing and the bartender is calling “last call” so they better really enjoy themselves with their last drink!

One of the more touching dialogues in this movie is when Ted Danson is talking to his sister and explaining why he can’t just let his father go. He tells her that he needs to be with his Dad when he dies so that he can “mark that moment”. I know how he feels because I hope that I am able to be by my parent’s side as each of them has their last breath.

I have a very close relationship with my parents and they live only 25 minutes away from me, but I have a very different relationship with my mother than I do with my father. When Jack Lemmon’s last words to his son are “I must have done something right” it totally destroyed me as I could bet that those words will be my father’s last words as …show more content…

The reviews also always added “get ready to cry”.

As this movie vividly depicts, aging is part of life’s cycle and it isn’t something that happens to just one person. To be successful with this stage intertwines many people and several generations to come together and be involved. A smoother transition can occur if people put down their prejudices about aging, along with their nervous energy they feed each day, and just accept the new stage, and give help where help is needed with respect and

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