The Benefits of Producing and Eating Organic Foods

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Organic food has become so popular these days, since people especially in United States are making a commitment to have a good start towards a healthier life. People often doubt whether the organic food is really healthier and more nutritious? Why does it cost so expensive? Well, first of all, the term “organic” is referring to the way agricultural products are grown and processed which later on will affected the quality of the food. In order for a product to be labeled as “organic”, they must meet several specific conditions and requirements. Consuming organic food will not only affect health, but also the existence of animals as well as the food resource and the environment. Organic food is grown in healthy soil that does not contain pesticides such as, fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides. In the books “Food Rules” by Michael Pollan, on the food rule number 30s, he states, “Eat well-grown food from healthy soil.” That explains, “…it is true that food certified organic is usually well grown in relatively healthy soil – soil nourished by organic matter rather than chemical fertilizers.” (Pollan67). Pesticides that being used in conventional products may still be able to tolerate by humans in low concentration. There is a saying in Chinese little bit long into the hills. Even though humans still can tolerate pesticides in low concentration, but in long term, it will lead to deadly consequences. These pesticides not only affect humans but also the environmental where it pulverizes as well as the animals in surroundings. As researcher says, organic food is more nutritious than conventional food and it probably help to lengthen people lives and prevent disease. But many people still wondering whether it is true or not? In A... ... middle of paper ..., by growing organic food, people will also contribute in preserving the environment, including with reducing the global warming effect and also treat animal better as one of our important sources. Work Cited Pollan, Michael. Food rules: an eater's manual. New York: Penguin Books, 2009. Print. "Organic Foods." : Understanding Organic Food Labels, Benefits, and Claims. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. "FAQ." Organic Agriculture: What are the environmental benefits of organic agriculture?. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. . "Organic-Foods-and-the-Environmental-and-Economic-Impacts." Organic-Foods-and-the-Environmental-and-Economic-Impacts. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. .

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