Organic Food Essay

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Currently, there is a global demand emerging for organic products specifically a huge consumer demand in the United States and Europe. The United States ranks fourth in organically farmed land globally, and sales of organic food have increased by almost a factor of six, from $3.6 billion in 1997 to $21.1 billion in 2008 (Reganold, Andrews, Reeve, Carpenter-Boggs, Schadt, Alldredge, Ross, Davies, Zhou, 2010). In the United States, organic farming has gained much popularity in the farm sector, mainly due to the new wave or generally recognized as healthy food products (Uematsu, Mishra, 2012). There is more than two-thirds of U.S. population who buy organic products at least occasionally, and twenty eight percent of consumers buy organic products weekly (Reganold et al., 2010). Organic produce is generally recognized as plant food produced without using growth hormones, antibiotics, or petroleum based, or sewage sludge based fertilizers (McWilliams, 2012). On the other hand conventionally grown produce uses synthetic fertilizers, hormones, and genetically modified Organism (GMO). Genetically Modified Organism referred to as plant or animal foods developed by genetic manipulation to alter nutrient levels or other characteristics such as increasing the antioxidant content in some vegetables or produce higher yield (McWilliams, 2012). The increasing popularity of consuming organic produce may be attributed to its perception of health related benefits, higher vitamins and nutrient levels, better quality, less pesticide residue, more environmental friendly, and concerns about the effects of conventional farming practices on the environment. (Uematsu, Mishra, 2012). The U.S. Department of Agriculture administeres the National Organic Prog... ... middle of paper ... ...on due to the limited number and variable results of studies. Several studies discussed in Smith-Spangler et al. (2012) and Crinnion. (2010) have also confirmed higher pesticide residue and contaminants from some conventional produce. Eating organically grown fruits and vegetables does not necessarily provide better quality or highest nutritional quality however consumption of Dirty Dozen from organic section may expose to less chemical residue and contaminant intake. Despite the different farming practices of organic and conventional crops most of the fruits and vegetables appears to be same except some minor difference of vitamin C levels and antioxidant activity which is not statistically significant. Consumer should be encouraged to consume fresh fruits and vegetables and make at least half of their plate consist of fresh produce to gain optimum health benefits.

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