The Benefits Of Hot Yoga

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In order to complete this project successfully, I went to my first hot yoga session and I enjoyed it. Hot yoga refers to yoga exercises performed under hot and humid conditions. The high heat enables your muscles to warm up and relax, making it easier to stretch and thus avoiding injury. Sweating also detoxifies the body and clears the skin. Hot yoga is a very good stress reliever and confidence builder too! Endorphin is a hormone that is released in your body that helps alleviate stress. The endorphin rush you receive after completing a hot yoga session left me feeling like I was on top of the world. (Heat Yoga).
There are many benefits of hot yoga! The first one is warming your muscles. The heat will allow you to safely reach new levels of …show more content…

It's amazing for developing equanimity in the face of adversity and obstacles. One of the benefits to many hot yoga classes is the routine is repetitive. When you are doing the same poses repeatedly, you can begin to see where you are today in relation to yesterday," said Ingber.
Although there are many benefits of hot yoga, there are definitely some precautions one should take in order to stay safe. The first is to stay hydrated. Ingber recommends drinking 2 to 3 liters throughout the day- “You will undoubtedly sweat more during these types of classes than in most other forms of exercise, so it’s very easy to become dehydrated. It is extremely important that you drink plenty of water before, during and after your practice”. My mom, who is a personal trainer, agreed with this and said that although someone enjoying hot yoga is sweating a lot, most of the sweat is just water, which leads to you becoming dehydrated. "Everyone is encouraged to drink at least eight glasses of fluids per day in general," says yoga expert Kamala Nayeli. "When you exercise, this amount should increase by two to three cups. If you raise your core temperature or partake in a hot yoga class, I would also recommend including a small dose of salt prior to the class. Or have a natural 'sports drink' that will replenish the sodium you lose when

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