The Beetle Research Paper

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Leadership involves putting others needs before your own in order to inspire them to become something better than what they are. As your big sister, I know that you connect more with things that involve music, and there are many influential musical leaders in the world that you should strive to learn from. One example is The Beetles, with their determination to be unique. Another is Taylor Swift, with her unwavering desire to be a singer despite her young age at the time. Even Justin Bieber shows leadership qualities by striving to become a singer in the United States when he lived in Canada, and not giving up until he reached his dreams. All of these people show that having leadership qualities is a very important part of growing up. Positive …show more content…

Even though they are quite similar, they also have many differences, such as the fact that Adele doesn’t have as many limitations as Beethoven did. Beethoven was also not a singer like Adele is. Adele being a singer means that she must be very cautious with her voice, and she always made a habit of doing that until 2011, when her concerts and events had an enormous setback due to a vocal hemorrhage (O'Sullivan). This may make the artist seem weak or irresponsible with her talents, but it actually makes her strong. Despite her new vocal range challenges, Adele has continued to thrive at what she does, and has even released a new album since the incident (O’Sullivan). Beethoven also has had his flawed moments, such as when he became depressed because of his increasing hearing loss (Budden and Knapp). At first, Beethoven let his deafness take control of his life, and almost gave up everything entirely. Then he worked and worked to become better, and chose to not let his disability control him in any way (Budden and Knapp). This makes him incredibly strong in the face of overwhelming chaos and tragedy, which is something that everyone should do. When most people see life get hard, they walk away or shut it out. Always remember that is never the answer, and believe that you can do

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