Beethoven's Personality

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By this time, Beethoven wasn 't a very approachable man. He was known to be about 5’4”, messy and crazy hair, pocketed face from smallpox, and a split personality. François Mai better describes Beethoven’s personality, he states, “He had episodes of depression accompanied by suicidal ideas, and rarer episodes of elation with flights of ideas. The latter are reflected in some of his letters. He had a low frustration tolerance and at times would become so angry that he would come to blows with others such as his brother Carl, or he would throw objects at his servants.” Beethoven grew a representation for a daring newcomer, he played with tremendous passion and played like nobody had ever heard before. Beethoven was a huge success in Vienna; …show more content…

This was a sign of hearing lost and it would control him for the rest of his life. In a desperate act to recover his hearing, Beethoven moved to a country-side village outside of Vienna. Beethoven took mineral bath everyday, a doctor advised him to swim in the near by river, and even try out large brass instruments to put in his ears to pick up sounds. A letter that was found in Beethoven cottage after his passing, confessed his disabilities and the hardship that his was going through at the time for all of his close family of noblemen to know. He never sent it though. He felt defeated and he got so depressed, Beethoven even tried to commit suicide. Beethoven knew that his purpose in life hadn 't yet been fulfilled and that he would go on to write more extraordinary pieces to transform the music culture. He knew his life couldn 't have been …show more content…

The leader at the time, Napoleon, was a great influence in Beethoven’s life and Beethoven greatly admired him for his courage and patriotism. This is when Beethoven wrote a symphony for Napoleon, Grandeos 3rd Symphony; it reflects the courage of Napoleon. However, after Napleon’s army crashed and his true colors showed to al of France. Beethoven felt so betrayed that he changed the name of the piece that he dedicated to Napoleon, He entitled it, “Eroica”. In 1800, Beethoven had wrote his first ever symphony. He was just 30 years old and already showing symptoms of hearing lost. This just shows how dedicated and genius Beethoven was. Nobody at the time was doing anything remotely close to what he was writing. Not to mention, he was going deaf. It really shows how involved and dedicated he was to music and how he passion for natural and what he heard in the world, transferred into his pieces. In the following years, something different occurred in Beethoven 's life. A woman by the name of Giulietta Guicciardi caught his attention. Beethoven greatly admired her beauty and expressed his love for her through his music, dedicating his famous Moonlight Sonata to her. However, disappointment strikes Beethoven again and after some time together, Josephine ended their relationship. She wanted a nobleman, somebody that came from royalty and when she found out that Beethoven wasn 't that, she left him for another

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