The Beach Research Paper

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The Beach- Have you ever heard you were going to the beach and been upset? I highly doubt you can say that you have. The beach can be one very relaxing place, while still being a great deal of fun. There are many different aspects about the beach that make it a calming environment for some. The more obvious things being, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore with children’s laughter and the endless miles of water and sand. The less obvious being the smells of the beach, what you feel and even a bit of taste. The feeling of the warm sun on your skin accompanied by the icy never ending water. Going to the beach is like that first sip of cold water after you’ve been outside in the heat for a long time. It’s refreshing. Overall a trip to the beach can be a calming getaway from the everyday to-do lists, and worries. The sounds, smells and feels of the beach are …show more content…

Just closing your eyes and hearing the water roll in from the deep depths of the ocean and wash up onto the sandy shore. Something about the almost timely manner in which they come and go can almost be said to be the oceans pulse and just listening can put you into a very relaxing, clear minded sense of being. Although the yells and laughter from the many children around the beach are looked at as annoying, I enjoy hearing and witnessing the joy the beach brings to the other san covered visitors the beach brings. The smells of the beach have a lite scent of sea creatures which is interrupted by the strong smell of the salty ocean water that the breeze lifts to the air. You can smell the suntan lotion that is constantly being applied around you. The smells of the restaurant not too far off from the beach cooking up fresh fish and the smell of simmering butter. The smells of the beach make me never want to leave. When you step out of your car and get that first deep breath in, its as if it will be summer forever and as if nothing else

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