The Allegory Of The Cave In Plato's Republic

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In Book 7 of Plato’s Republic, "The Allegory of the Cave” is a symbolic story, of which is located in a cave and where a fire is positioned behind prisoners. The prisoners have lived facing the wall of the cave and they have only seen shadows of which were displayed from objects outside of the cave. They believed that the objects’ shadows were real; however, in reality, it was a shadow of the truth. The prisoners would play a guessing game as to what the shadows were and they believe that their guesses were the truth. However, when one of the prisoners escaped, he faced the reality that the sun was the source of life and realized the game they were playing was pointless. The journey outside of the cave led the prisoner to seek for meaning and truth. Socrates then insists for him to return to the cave and share his discoveries …show more content…

The song expresses how we should try to be positive, even in our toughest times, which I believe is true. There are points in our life, of which are hard but you should have faith and a positive outlook in order for the world to become a better place. This example relates to "The Allegory of the Cave," by Plato, because if the prisoner never left the cave, he would have never discovered the truth. The lyrics or questions, "How did we get here? Where are we going? And why is life so hard?” are what some people today would think about, especially since there is no definite answer to them. Everyday, there are challenges face, but we should have hope. If we had a negative perspective, nothing would improve and this could relate anything. For example, when I struggle with an event in my life, I think of it as a conflict that helped me become a stronger person. Everything happens for a reason and if you keep a negative outlook, you will remain in the same situations and not

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