Real Life In Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

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In the story “Allegory Of The Cave” it shows a life lesson on how individuals can act stubborn in the world because they are not educated or aware of certain artifacts. In this essay i will give you examples of how real life situations relate to the story “Allegory Of The Cave”. In Plato’s story “Allegory Of the Cave” there are a group of prisoners that have been chained in a dark cave their whole life not being able to turn back at all. The only contact they have with the outside world is seeing the shadows of the things that pass behind them. Then one prisoner becomes free and is able to explore the outside world. When the freed prisoner steps outside for the first time in his life the beaming sun blinds him but then gets used to the sun …show more content…

There is a ton of ignorance in the world, many people believe something is wrong because they’re not a custom that certain way and automatically become stubborn and ignorant. For example, In the United States, many women don’t get the high ranked pay or job positions they deserve because of their gender. Even with the same qualities and qualifications, a man has, more than likely women will get the high ranked pay or position against a man due to the past of America where women had very little rights. Due to the past of women having very little rights many Americans to this day feel women are not as good as men. In the story “Allegory Of The Cave” the freed prisoner who at one point only saw shadows got to explore something new the outside world with color and tried to tell the other prisoners but was labeled demented because the other trapped prisoners did not know and have not explored the outside world. There’s a connection with the story “Allegory Of The Cave” and the real world by the prisoners who remained in the cave showing their ignorance calling the freed prisoner who saw outside world demented and Americans who still show ignorance towards women not being suitable for a high paying/ranked job position all because it was a certain way back then and got comfortable in their

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