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Effect of outsourcing jobs
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Recommended: Effect of outsourcing jobs
In the past decade the topic of outsourcing has become a heavily debated subject on if it is ethically correct to outsourcing jobs to foreign countries. Outsourcing has become more and more an option for many companies and not just an economic fad. The decision to outsource is a difficult one for any company to make because there are many advantages and disadvantages to consider. The decision to outsource affects many people, communities, and industries so if a corporation decides to outsource they must consider how it will affect human dignity, the common good of the economy, and subsidiary.
A common definition of outsourcing is the takes part of their business and give it to another company to complete. The main industries that take advantage of outsourcing are manufacturing, IT, and most recently customer service. Outsourcing provides these corporations with less expensive labor that otherwise they would have to pay more for the same type of work here in the United States. The potential savings in costs for these corporations is the main advantage of outsourcing but is also a point of contention with the opponents of outsourcing because they argue “is it worth the loss of American jobs and to save money.” This brings up the ethical question of is outsourcing hurting or helping human dignity. These opponents argue that outsourcing is wrong because for one it creates job loss for many skilled and semi-skilled workers in the United States. After these companies make the choice to outsource a part of their business these workers who are adequately trained have a tough time getting re-employed. For example in a study by the University of California-Santa Cruz found that in a 20 year period of all workers who lost their jobs due t...
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...use of the current economic situation so they are trying to prevent movement of jobs by incentives. It seems that the only resolution to the massive use of outsourcing is incentives like tax breaks for companies that create jobs. It seems that companies use outsourcing just as a money saving option and not for correct reasons liked improved quality or service. This is proved by the many examples of how the decision to outsource made corporations operations harder because of the many barriers that are involved with moving operations overseas.
In conclusion the decision to outsource is a highly debated ethical topic because of whom it affects. There are valid disadvantages and advantages of outsourcing. In all outsourcing hurts more than it helps and the decision to outsource should be used only if it is entirely appropriate and just not to cut costs for a company.
Globalisation is a growing phenomenon that is the result of various developments in the global environment, each of which merits an individual analysis of its social impacts. For the purpose of this analysis, the focus will be placed upon arguably its most controversial aspect, offshore outsourcing. Offshore outsourcing, or offshoring, is becoming an increasingly common business practice as a result of a combination of the recent technological advancements in the areas of transportation and communication, and the increased competitiveness of the business world. From the perspective of firms, tapping into cheap labor from less developed countries is a very logical business decision to reduce costs and maximize profits. This has not only motivated businesses to engage in offshoring, it has sometimes been critical to their survival in fiercely competitive environments. Before making judgments regarding the righteousness of offshoring from different perspectives, its impact on stakeholders must first be evaluated.
... bring the anticipated benefits, and in some instances can be a risky proposition (Chin, 2003). Villcocks and Lacity (1998) stated that among the possible disadvantages are the potential loss of control over critical functions such as timeliness and quality of service, difficulty in monitoring vendor performance, difficulty in explaining the business needs to vendors, the potential for loss of company secrets as well as intellectual property, and the high cost of outsourcing contracts. Schools also risk developing a dependency on outside agencies, lowering employee morale, loss of development skills for employees, and having to face the prospect of managing relationships that go wrong (Kakabadse & Kakabadse, 2000; Hayes, 2001). By outsourcing, not only do schools lose some of the personal touch in servicing their employees but their clients as well (Rombel, 2002).
Mankiw and Swagel (2006) argue outsourcing is not as large a phenomenon as the media describes. Their research indicates outsourcing accounts for very little of job loss in the United States, nor has it made a distinct contribution to the slow rebound of the labor market. They go on to propose that increased overseas employment has actually contributed to higher employment in parent United States companies. They reported that while 30,000 jobs were lost per month in 2004, two million job changes per month were happening as well. They reference the Bureau of Labor Statistics when they report that in 2015 there are expected to be 3.4 million jobs outsourced, but 160 million jobs gained here in the United States. They also claim that there is a rise in net US income by 12-14 cents per dollar of outso...
“Present two arguments for and two arguments against a U.S. company offshoring the management of its customer relationships to technical and managerial personnel in a less-developed country.”
Outsourcing is a complicated and a multifaceted subject that involves a “business[’s] purchase of parts or labor from another company rather than maintaining a sufficient enough number of its own employees to do the same work in the country where the company is already based” ("Outsourcing"). The first practice of outsourcing was in medieval times when “nation-states called in soldiers-for-hire to help their own military forces during ongoing conflicts” ("Outsourcing"). Many think of outsourcing as a one way trade of production facilities moving outside of a companies locale but in actuality it is a two way trade that also involves companies from other areas moving their factories to local areas where conditions are beneficial for the specific business. Outsourcing has evolved but the main idea has remained the same. The recent increase in outsourcing “was initiated by Wall Street pressures on corporations . . . . for increased profits . . . in the production of goods and services marketed in the U.S."(Roberts).
For advocates of global business, the hope is that outsourcing will help lift the United State’s economic growth and development by lowering the input cost of services (i.e. labor and materials) and by opening new markets abroad. Mainstream economists believe that outsourcing will have ...
As the problem of job outsourcing becomes more of an issue in politics, elected officials like the President and Congress will no longer be able to ignore the dilemma. The war in Iraq has been at the forefront of the presidential race but the importance of outsourcing American jobs seems to have been slightly overshadowed. If the issue of outsourcing is not watched carefully and a definitive plan hammered out, a trickling down of negative effects may occur within the U.S. economy. However, there is a polarized opinion on the effects of this “phenomenon”.
Since the concept of outsourcing was introduced it has been a subject of debate between politicians and citizens of the United States. Remarkably, it was the United States who supported outsourcing and now it is the United States that feels its economic progress is being threatened by outsourcing. One may argue that the financial situations that existed two decades earlier are not the same as they are today, thus the change of time, business priorities of economies have also changed.
“5 Facts About Overseas Outsourcing.” Center for American Progress, Center for American Progress, 9 July 2012,
The lack of knowledge Americans have on the subject of consumers affecting outsourcing is leading our country to economic stress but if we begin to recognize the issue, the jobs we could potentially save may be our own. We have examined how consumers unintentionally assist the growth of outsourcing and the different ways we as individuals can attribute to a solutions. Also we have explored an attempt the government has taken and how people are trying to further this attempt and gain further understanding so we can work towards a successful solution. Hopefully we can further inform American consumers of this issue and help them to understand how much control they have over outsourcing.
With the United States’ economy in a depression and our unemployment rate skyrocketing to record highs, job-outsourcing has moved to the top of the list of controversial issues. Froma Harrop’s essay New Threat to Skilled U.S. Workers and Thomas Friedman’s essay 30 Little Turtles discuss two different viewpoints of job-outsourcing, and their effects on society. Does our government really want to cut back on job-outsourcing, and what can society do to help the issue? Friedman’s standpoint on job-outsourcing shows how it is emotionally beneficial to other countries and Harrop’s factual standpoint shows job-outsourcing regulation, however, I feel that our citizens are unaware of the opportunities and our government is eager to send the jobs overseas.
Kibbe, C. (2004, 07 09). Outsourcing: the good, the bad and the inevitable. New Hampshire Business Review, pp. 1A-21A.
Outsourcing has been around for many years. In this paper, I will discuss some of the history of outsourcing, the good things about outsourcing, and the bad things about outsourcing. Outsourcing is important because many companies rely on it in order to get many different products and services to their facility on time and in good shape. Outsourcing is a huge part of the business industry today. Any business can be affected by outsourcing.
There is a wide-range of experiences an individual will take, due to Outsourcing. Outsourcing has an array of benefits and setbacks, though is often use
The practice of outsourcing jobs is not a new concept. People have been outsourcing their jobs for decades. Some people even offshore outsource jobs. There are many opinions on offshore outsourcing based on how it influences the economy. Some people are in favor of outsourcing jobs, and some people are against outsourcing jobs.