Ten Commandments In Hindu Religion

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Humans are often swayed to carry out the desires of a higher being, for they believe that they are thusly destined to some great reward. This is supported in the Christian doctrine where if you are a good person you have a chance to live in paradise. Other religions have a similar structure to this including Hinduism, which through the karma system the better of a person you are the higher status you will become in your next life. This way of thinking dates back to ancient times with ancient Greek Mythology, for you are supposed to appease the gods in order to gain their favor, for instance if you are going into battle you would try to appease the God of War, Ares. Religion has also sparked a great deal of conflict throughout history. To begin, Christianity institutes a set of guidelines for its members to follow, these are referred to as the Ten Commandments.The Ten Commandments are generally viewed as basic human morality, for humans have a great disdain for theft, murder, and lying. The Ten Commandments however do not only hold laws that relate to morality this is displayed in the …show more content…

Hinduism has a unique afterlife system where if you accumulate good karma your soul will reincarnate as a higher being on the ladder of reincarnation. This encourages Hindus to be peaceful people and to help others in life. One aspect of Hinduism however does not offer such a nice perspective of the religion, the caste system. The caste system is a system where you are trapped in your social class your entire life which. The poor are oppressed into being poor forever, and this system causes the poor to often be not respected, and any ideas that the poor had was often not accepted causing an entire social class to be able to make zero contributions to technology. The caste system was a part of India, the largest Hindu nation until very recently with external

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