Teen Mom Og Research Paper

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Ryan Edwards has been the talk of Teen Mom OG for the last few weeks. Fans of the show have questioned whether or not he was using something for a while. Edwards' appearance seemed off on several occasions including when he appeared bug-eyed on an episode and the repeated slurring of his speech. It was eye-opening when Maci Bookout spoke out about getting a phone call from someone telling her that Ryan was doing some bad things. She did not elaborate on camera but did mention to her husband, Taylor McKinney that she felt like her ex and Bentley's father needed help. More details regarding Ryan Edwards have come out piece by piece as each episode of Teen Mom OG airs. When Maci Bookout joined her co-stars Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell in Puerto Rico, the problem was revealed. While it is unclear what the actual substance is Edwards has been using, the girls asked their friend how he was doing. Portwood was clear that she has been where he is and suggested that he get help. Earlier this month, word got out that he checked himself into rehab. According to Starcasm, Ryan Edwards is out of rehab. He posted a dig at Maci Bookout on his private Instagram page and a photo of his wife, MacKenzie Standifer on a boat. The latter has been deleted but a friend of the couple posted a photo …show more content…

Shortly after Maci Bookout dropped the bombshell that he had a problem, fans and haters began attacking MacKenzie Standifer and Jen Edwards on social media. The two are not allowed to comment on anything that would "spoil" future Teen Mom OG episodes and so as of now, they have not even confirmed Ryan's rehab stint. His mom, Jen did note that there is a story to tell but could not elaborate further at this time. Fans are jumping to the conclusion that Edwards' choice to seek help was likely filmed for the show and that is why nothing has been said by anyone related to

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