Teen Drug Tracking

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Teenagers do questionable things when they are away from the supervision of their parents. As a result, teenagers are susceptible to doing drugs and getting into harm's way. Because teenagers are supposed to gradually become more independent it is clear that adults should have the ability to be able to track them. On the other hand, tracking teenagers would undermine the trust that is crucial to their development according to Shlozman (www.npr.org). Additionally, Jim Katz, Director of the Rutgers University Center for Mobile Communications Studies has said that over time parents would feel that they aren't being the best parents they can be. Due to the increase of questionable acts by teens, it should be clear that they should be tracked …show more content…

Coincidentally, if teens were tracked, parents would be able to know where their teens are going when they are out of the house.”For example, says Alltrack’s Mark Allbaugh, when a teen driver is speeding, parents can remotely flash the car’s light or honk the horn, until the teen slows down.”(www.npr.org) This would result in less teen-related car accidents. Tracking teens could potentially prevent them from doing drugs and befriending questionable people. To add on to this point, if teens were to be tracked then parents would know if they were kidnapped resulting in a higher chance of saving their children. Finally, were parents to know where their children are would allow them to feel more secure and relieved. “Mark Pawlick says he used to live in constant worry about his teenage kids-especially his stepdaughter, Jessica.”(www.npr.org)As a result of this GPS parents won't feel this constant worry. “With GPS technology getting cheaper, smaller and better, most any cell phone can be a tracking device for just a few dollars a month.” This means that the GPS technology is cheap and easy to use(www.npr.org). As a result, children can be monitored and stay safe. Although tracking teens could be considered invading their privacy, the safety of teens should always be more important than trust. With this mounting evidence stated it is clear that tracking teens is an excellent

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