Teen Activism Essay

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Have you ever stood up for something worth fighting for? That is what teen activism is. Teen activism is when teenagers or kids stand up for something, and when they start a movement. To become a teen activist it takes bravery, courage, leadership, and devotion. You have to WANT to help something and take it a step higher. Next I will be talking about Malala and what she is fighting for, then Craig Keilburger, and I will end it all with Faye Carey. Malala Yousafzai is one teen activist who fights for girls education. A lot has happened to Malala throughout the years. First of all, according to “Malala Yousafzai Biography” Malala started talking out about girls education when she was 12 years old. Also, according to an interview Malala did on “The National” one day when Malala was on a bus all of a sudden the Taliban came and they shot Malala’s head! It just missed her brain, it went from the side of her head down to her shoulder. The Taliban are a bad group of people who don’t want others to speak out. She was 16 years old at the time she has gotten shot, so it happened a few years after she started speaking out. Ever since then Malala has kept speaking out, she has a very famous quote, “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” Malala also has a fund called …show more content…

Faye Carey is currently 21 years old and she is helping to stop animal abandonment. When Faye was 16 years old she started to help prevent animal abandonment. Faye also volunteers with her local branch of animal control. Faye Carey said, “My biggest passion is to help animals get a home.” Even though Faye helps animals, it is hard for her to do her regular life and help animals at the same time, Faye has managed this by changing her schedule. Now, Faye is still helping animal abandonment, she even has a facebook page called Animal Re-Home Waikato. As a result, Faye Carey helps animal abandonment and she is a true teen

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