Ted's Cook American Dream

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The American Dream, many chase after this dream not fully understanding what it means to them. Many Americans believe their dreams can come true if they keep working hard towards their goals, hoping to achieve prosperity and enjoyment as a result. Some might dream when arriving in America, a chance to escape from poverty. Other citizens might claim that the dream is dead. Even though, many individuals have the freedom to choose their American dream, it sometimes ends up not turning out the way we imagined it to be. Born and raised in the south side of Minneapolis, Jeffrey Riley began learning how to cook by participating in his family owned restaurant called Ted’s Cook from an early age. The young Jeff gained a lot of experience from Ted’s Cook, from cleaning the dishes to cooking the actual food. After high school, Jeff had friends that encourage his bad habits, he began dealing illegal substance to make money, but it wasn’t long after he was caught and served time for …show more content…

One instance he remembers began his organization was when he was called to Dunwoody Technical College to be a Chief's assistant for a class. When he accepted the offer, he later found out that the chief of the class resigned from his post. Jeff spend weeks with councilor and advisers to help him create curriculum. He taught his students basic skills that were needed for cooking. Student enjoyed his class, rather than skipping Jeff's class they benefited. Although, there was one student that jeff needed a second chances. His advisors lost hope in him, and was going through tough times, such like that of Jeff. Jeff became a mentor for the student and stuck by his side through it all. This compelling experiences ultimately lead jeff to create his catering company, with young and devoted students to launch themselves in the world. Together, they serve food for the community on a monthly basis, and grow as a

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