The Great Gatsby And The American Dream

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There have been many people whose success stories reflect the American Dream. Among these people is Richard DeVos who got his start by selling soap and distributing food products. Through hard work and good marketing, his business grew and turned into his own company called Amway. Through all his hard work, DeVos gained a great deal of money and became quite wealthy. A similar, but fictional story, is that of Jay Gatsby, whose central mission, to win Daisy, is the embodiment of the American Dream, the belief that anyone can achieve a solid career, have freedom to pursue their own dreams, and fundamentally in the values of optimism and hope. Fitzgerald’s Great Gatsby tells a story of a man who had a great American Dream that unfortunately …show more content…

Americans have the opportunity to pursue what they love and achieve their goals in life (Rank np). Many people in America have different ideas and pictures in their heads of what the American Dream means. From the idea that it's about making a lot of money and owning a big house, to creating a good life for your children in a good environment there is a wide range of meanings of the dream. Others believe that America is this great melting pot full of people with all sorts of different ethnic backgrounds (Michels np). The American Dream was first introduced during America’s great depression by a man named James Truslow Adams. He first came up with the phrase “The American Dream” in his book, The Epic of America. In his book he taught Americans what they had to do in order to live the dream (Wills np). Explaining the Dream, Adams told America, that “the American Dream is the belief of the American society that each individual can, through hard working and strength of mind, achieve anything.” (Michels np) People still use the ideas from his book and use them in everyday …show more content…

Throughout American history, there have been a number of people who have exemplified and supported Adam’s idea of the American Dream (Meacham np). One of these was Benjamin Franklin with his “way to wealth.” Another was Franklin D. Roosevelt, the great symbol of hope to the American people during rough years. Calling the nation toward a more positive mindset, Roosevelt declared, “The great fact to remember is that the trend of civilization itself is forever upward, that a line drawn through the middle of the peaks and the valleys of the centuries always has an upward trend.” (Meacham np) Roosevelt was right, though people fail, it doesn’t mean their chances of succeeding are over. They can still achieve the American Dream if they stay positive about it and really work toward it.
The Great Gatsby is an example of a few certain people who had dreams to become wealthy and have a better life which is what the American dream is all about.
Tom and Daisy are extremely wealthy and have a stereotypical “American Dream” life. Nick describes Tom and Daisy’s house as being big and elaborate overlooking the bay with a huge lawn. (6) He also describes Tom and all his accomplishments of being on the football team in New Haven and being from an enormously wealthy family. (6) The way that Nick describes Tom and Daisy’s house gives you an idea of how wealthy they are. They also give you a

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