Ted Cruz Research Paper

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Our president, Barack Hussein Obama has failed the American People. His antics in Washington have led the American People in danger, having American Citizens fighting with the enemy and has put America into a debt of now $19 trillion. On November 4, 2016, a new leader will be elected to the White House. A new leader will protect the citizens of the United States of America. A new leader will put America on the right track. And that person is Senator Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz born in Canada ran as a Senator from Texas and was elected in 2013. Senator Ted Cruz should be the next president of the United States, resulting in a government where they’re involved with national security and how to protect the American people rather than the government controlling …show more content…

Ted Cruz is pro- 2nd Amendment which means that the citizens of The United States have the right to own a gun (bear arms). Democrats believe that the only people that should own a gun is the militia whereas the Republicans who believe that the citizens and the militia should a gun. Cruz and other Republicans have said that Obama and Liberals are going to take your gun away from the American Citizens. Cruz made this statement at an Iowa gun range in Johnston saying, “You don’t bad guys by taking away our guns, You stop bad guys by using our guns” (1). This was after the San Bernardino attacks which 14 people were killed and 22 were seriously injured in a terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, which consisted of a mass shooting and an attempted bombing. This was done by Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik a couple who were Muslim. Most of these attacks happen because the places such as California and Paris have the most strict gun laws in which case the people can’t defend themselves and have to succumb to bullets and bombing done by extremists. Cruz also criticized the media, which he states,”Folks in the media ask the behalf of democrats” isn’t it insensitive to do a 2nd Amendment rally after the shooting.’ I really don’t view our job as being sensitive to Islamic terrorists.” Cruz asked this question to the gun range. He said, “Why on earth did the Obama administration not know about this ahead of time and stop this before they carried out this terror attack” (2)? We shouldn’t be controlled by the government to not give us the right to have one of our amendments. Because of the strict gun laws and not enough background checks on guns, we had a tragedy like

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