Technology: The New Way of Education

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This paper will argue that online technology has a positive benefit on education and every school should use it. It keeps students engage in the concepts that are being taught because Teachers can use multi-media materials. To help aid to teach the concept and ideas they are teaching. The students have the pretty much the whole wide world of information at their fingertips to research topics. This allow for more in class research assignment to be used. The modern work field is requiring more familiarity with technology, teaching kids how too properly use online resources and technology can benefit them when they are placed in jobs that require the use of technology. The use of online gradebooks and assignment planners help students that miss school get needed work and keep their grades in checked.

The capabilities of the Internet today are unending, and offer many positive benefits to a student. A person can log onto a search engine and enter any topic that they want to learn more about. There are millions of topics to research. This ability allows for teachers to assign in and out of class research projects. And students can do research on topics that they do not understand. They can look up systems of math on Khan Academy or an important person in history on and many other history websites. And online research helps school because they are not force to buy the newest books. This helps student how to properly use resources that they found on the internet. Source reliabity is a huge issue that has to be taught. Knowing how to properly choose a source will help the students in life because in life one has to look at all the options and choose the best. Two things here: first, more about the You Tube math tutorials—t...

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...sroom, and disciplinary consequences for students who are caught off-task.”

The students have the pretty much the whole wide world at their fingertips to research topics. This allow for more in class research assignment to be used. Since technology is being used more the need for paper is being decreased which has a positive effect on the environment because less paper is being used and less trees are being cut down. The modern work field is requiring more familiarity with technology, teaching kids how to properly use online resources and technology can befit them when they are placed in jobs that require the use of technology. The use of online gradebooks and assignment planners help students that miss school get needed work and keep their grades in checked. In the counter argument technology especially in higher education provides distraction in the classroom.

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