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The impact of technology on education
Impacts of technology on education
The impact of technology on education
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This paper will argue that online technology has a positive benefit on education and every school should use it. It keeps students engage in the concepts that are being taught because Teachers can use multi-media materials. To help aid to teach the concept and ideas they are teaching. The students have the pretty much the whole wide world of information at their fingertips to research topics. This allow for more in class research assignment to be used. The modern work field is requiring more familiarity with technology, teaching kids how too properly use online resources and technology can benefit them when they are placed in jobs that require the use of technology. The use of online gradebooks and assignment planners help students that miss school get needed work and keep their grades in checked.
The capabilities of the Internet today are unending, and offer many positive benefits to a student. A person can log onto a search engine and enter any topic that they want to learn more about. There are millions of topics to research. This ability allows for teachers to assign in and out of class research projects. And students can do research on topics that they do not understand. They can look up systems of math on Khan Academy or an important person in history on history.com and many other history websites. And online research helps school because they are not force to buy the newest books. This helps student how to properly use resources that they found on the internet. Source reliabity is a huge issue that has to be taught. Knowing how to properly choose a source will help the students in life because in life one has to look at all the options and choose the best. Two things here: first, more about the You Tube math tutorials—t...
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...sroom, and disciplinary consequences for students who are caught off-task.”
The students have the pretty much the whole wide world at their fingertips to research topics. This allow for more in class research assignment to be used. Since technology is being used more the need for paper is being decreased which has a positive effect on the environment because less paper is being used and less trees are being cut down. The modern work field is requiring more familiarity with technology, teaching kids how to properly use online resources and technology can befit them when they are placed in jobs that require the use of technology. The use of online gradebooks and assignment planners help students that miss school get needed work and keep their grades in checked. In the counter argument technology especially in higher education provides distraction in the classroom.
Argues that we must do more to ensure that computers are fully integrated into all our schools. Suggestion that there is no limit to the possibilities of computers; Topic of distance learning; Ways that the Internet can make schools more effective; Call for schools to develop innovative budgeting to acquire the funds for te...
There are a number of key reasons why we must ensure adequate funding of our schools. To start, we must increase the accessibility of the Internet in our schools. With our society growing by the minute the need for technology is rapidly on the run. Today we depend heavily on the Internet to provide us with fast information. It is used in high tech businesses, in homes and in schools. Through the Internet we enable students to explore new and interesting issues. In addition to the books found in our local library, the Internet serves as a fundamental tool for education. With all of the assets that the Internet provides not all schools have it at their disposal. “According to a 1999 survey, conducted by Education Week only 87%, in states like Pennsylvania had Internet access” (Gazette 99). “This number however rose to 90% in 1999.” Although the numbers did rise there are other states that are not even close to that number of access. This poses as a major problem because while other students are building their skills and are learning more, others still rely on books and articles. Through Internet use students will not only be introduced to a wide a ray of topics and search engines but will also be able to familiarize themselves with technology.
The world’s technology advancements are quickly developing, thus, unquestionably, contributing to the extraordinary benefits obtained by students, parents, and educators. Students are provided an enhanced understanding of diverse subjects due to presentations, use of the Internet, and various programs, assisting them with projects, homework, tests, or merely general interest. Classroom computer use is certainly beneficial to parents as well. If a student does not have computer access at home to complete a project or essay, it could easily be completed on the classroom’s computer. This avoids any conflicts that may arise from families that do not have access to a personal computer. Teachers are able to easily compose a multimedia presentation to, not only help teach the class, but also to assist the pupils while taking notes and ensuring their understanding of the topic.
Firstly, technology has made life easier for human kind in terms of education and work. Ever part of people’s daily lives is linked to technology in one way or the other. It just makes life easier and things quicker. Technology advances make people see how processes can be made actively and efficiently (Lynda Moultry Belcher, n.d.). For instance, by technological improvements of computers, nowadays, education has greatly enhanced. Students are able to learn and take exams by sitting and home and simply using their laptops or computers. This could highly help disabled people, children who live very far away from any school and who are living temporarily abroad. Other than homeschooling, nowadays technology ...
...many benefits for us, but it is not really needed all the time. Maybe in some situations for people technology is needed every day in their lives. But the fact is that people don’t really need all these new gadgets, they didn’t have all of this kind of stuff back in the day, and they still mad it through. Education is being helped by technology and sometimes just giving the student the answer. Later on though it can affect the student when a more difficult situation comes, they will not know what to do.
Numerous people praise the Internet and its ability to educate young people. More and more schools are switching to online learning to help children academically. Studies have shown that educational games can help children’s visual intelligence skills (Subrahmanyam, Kaveri, et al. 128). Similarly, some research has found that computer use helps kids in their alphabet recognition, language, early mathematical knowledge and learning (Bremer 412). Contrastly, homework may contribute to academic and intellectual benefits, but the gains are relatively small compared to the negative effects of the Internet on mental health (Shields, Margie, and Behrman 10). Other research has shown that computers alone are not a sufficient replacement of actual teachers and classrooms. Several studies show the Internet to be a hindrance when it comes to academic achievement and cognitive development. Even computer learning software has been know to smite creativity (Bremer
The Impact of the Internet on Education A dusty, one-bedroom schoolhouse on the edge of a village. An overworked teacher trying to manage a room full of boisterous children. Students sharing schoolbooks that are in perpetual short supply, crammed in rows of battered desks. Children worn out after long treks to school, stomachs rumbling with hunger.
Another benefit in which a computer students is that it makes quicker decisions for students. Instead of going to the library students can go on different Websites to find more information on a book. Students can also make quicker decision by getting advice from a website. Also it makes life a whole lot easier than you can count on the Internet. Students find that using computers has made their life easier by finding the Internet quicker. For example myself I find it a lot easier and quicker because when I have softball games I take my laptop on the bus and find important information that I need. Computers come in handing when you need them. It has made students finish there work quicker then you expect. Computers has made everyone’s life easier and quicker. ( Neulieb, Christine. Web). Computers are quicker because it has so many websites it can get you to them quickly and gives you information that you need.
Technology has had a large impact on the field of education. The proliferation of multimedia resources and limitless amounts of information available through the Internet has fundamentally affected the learning process. Students no longer search through cards and stacks for magazine articles; almost everything is at the click of a finger. Multimedia resources are increasingly utilized in the classroom to help instruct students. Some professors are making conscious efforts to use new technology, so as to introduce and familiarize their students with it. The significance of technology in education is now being elevated to a new plateau. Education through the Internet, the great equalizer, may make it more widely distributed through the phenomenon of online courses. It is the thesis of this paper that online courses are not an effective means to educate traditional undergraduate college aged students (people from 18-22 years old).
Even using the internet has a source of information for the students or has a tutorial for students who are struggling. There are so many ways that classrooms can benefit from computers. The first thing I looked at was how teachers were being affected by computers. Integrating technology into your teaching can change the way you deliver content to your classes. Not only are teachers affected by having to do grades and attendance by computers now, they also have to worry about teaching their students about computers and integrating it into the daily lesson plans.
In total the Internet has not only increased the amount of learning possibilities in the classroom but it has created infinite amounts of learning opportunities for students and teachers.
The introduction of technology into education has revolutionized the teaching quality and learning outcome in the last ten years. The integration of technology into lectures by teachers in classroom has become so natural that both teachers and learners consider computers and their related applications for instruction are “a routine component of the classroom and educational processes in general” (Nuldén, 1999 cited in Buzzard et al., 2011, pp.131-139).
The twenty-first century has arrived, and it has brought some of the most advanced computing technologies into the classroom; this leaves us with a very important question, do we really need technology, such as iPads or computers, implemented in our learning plans? As a student that has taken entire courses on iPads or computers, I can tell you that the former is not the case. There are plenty of reasons to teach about technological advances in each individual field of learning, but, more often than not, technology is unreliable and distracting for students. Not to mention that methods of maintenance rehearsal, like taking notes by hand, are more effective for recollection of information than staring into a screen. The bottom line is, using technology as a tool for education in the classroom is not necessary because it can inhibit the way students learn material.
As time goes by, advances in technology will provide more and more avenues for learning by way of the computer. The Internet has opened the doors of the world and unleashed limitless possibilities in research and education. It may be only a matter of time when the classroom is brought online to all children and attending a school classroom outside the home is a thing of the past. Looking back over the last 20 years, I never would have imagined that computers would come this far and impact our lives so much. Just imagine where they will be 20 years from now.
Technology has many different effects on education, one of them being enhancing the students learning. Technology may enhance the students learning and may assist most students in achieving their academic standards. When technology and appropriate teaching methods are combined, technology may increase the academic achievement. Positive effects have been found in all major subject areas, from preschool to higher education, both regular and special needs students. Educational technology has been found to have a positive effect on a student’s attitude toward learning and on self-concepts. The introduction of technology into the learning environment has allowed the learning to be more student-centered, to encourage group learning, and helps to stimulate an increase in the student-teacher interaction. Technology has shown a shift from a focus on a student’s memorization to their problem solving. Through technology’s use, learning opportunities have become unrestricted by time or place, allowing lifelong learning. Student use of technology through communications can also help to enhance access to a career and continued education. Students are more likely to use a computer to get help because they can to it themselves. Technology is helping students to become independent.