Technology And Communication Essay

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For over two thousand years the spoken word has been in the process of being colonized, first by the written word, then by the printed word, and finally by the technologized word (Thiedbaud, 2010). The evolution of the technologized world has dramatically changed society in which we communicate. Many people throughout the world use and benefit from modern technology, and the tremendous opportunities it provides now play a significant role in all fields of our lives. Technology has allowed access to necessary tools people need in education, industries, medicine, transportation and much more. However, it has come to time where excessive usage of technology has its drawbacks as well. Though, in most cases, the speed of fulfilling tasks accelerates with the help of technology, many people do not realize that technology negatively affects society. This essay will examine the impact of technology on our communication skills. Specifically the lack of our interpersonal abilities, education and how technological gadgets produce misinterpretations and miscommunication. The development of technology has complicated life in a number of ways but most notably through the way we interact and communicate.
Since 1876 when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, the consistent evolution of technology, has caused bonds and interactions among friends and family to decline significantly ( More specifically, due to diverse devices such as, entertainment games, computer programs and mobile devices, families don’t experience the same convivial atmosphere like in the past. Prior to these advanced innovations, families would gather around the family room and play games together. However, technology has turned interactive activit...

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...taking away from traditional humanity in which we used to enjoy a friendly conversation with someone. Given these drawbacks, technology should have certain limitations. Having a conversation should consist face to face that way we don’t lose everything like, expressions, body language and even a simple smile. As well, these limitations will also help resolve the drawbacks that occur in the education system. Lastly, with certain restrictions, misinterpretations will begin to vanish allowing our interactions to be more clear. All in all, technology today is so advanced that is has complicated life in several ways but most importantly through the way we communicate and interact. Technology better begin to develop certain limitations before, “many innovations which have very widespread social effects and will change the whole quality of life (Soete, Verspagen, 1993).

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