Technology in the Workplace

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The world is getting smaller, yet remains full of possibilities due in part to technology. Interestingly, the very first emails could only be sent to someone using two computers, literally side by side. Technology dates back to the first manipulations of materials to assist in human survival. There are many definitions for technology, John D. Carl describes technology stating,” it deals with the creation, use, and application of knowledge and its’ interrelation with life, society, and the environment” (Carl, J.D., 2011, p.301). For the purpose of this paper, any instrument, invention, or method influencing and allowing people to control or adapt to their environment, is technology. With the increased availability of technological tools (smart phones, text messaging, image scanning, email, and social media), communication is rapidly changing. Society has moved beyond the Industrial Age and into the Information Age, where the sharing of knowledge and ideas is the new driver of power and world economy. Technology possesses many merits, and as with any tool, it carries drawbacks. Misuse and overuse creates unsavory dependence. This dependence can have adverse affects on people, business, and education. Technology receives vast criticism for reducing face-to-face interactions. Although the information technology of today is widely held as impersonal, it promotes communication; technology reduces costs and leverages productivity by facilitating access to information and knowledge, and augmenting interaction amongst those who utilize technology. According to John D. Carl, “systems are considered technologies; [and] new systems offer similar opportunities and changes that new objects might bring” (Carl, J.D., 2011, p.301). Re... ... middle of paper ... ...tabase} Han, K., & Mithas, S. (2013). Information technology outsourcing and non-it operating costs: an empirical investigation. MIS Quarterly, 37(1), 315-331.Retrieved December 3, 2013 from EBSCOdatabase}, Lee, P. L. V. C. T. (2011). Internet Communication Versus Face-to-face Interaction in Quality of Life. Social Indicators Research, 100(3), 375-389. doi: 10.1007/s11205-010-9618-3 Retrieved December 3, 2013 from EBSCOdatabase}, Nesvisky, M. (2013). Does Health Information Technology Reduce Costs? NBER Digest, 4-5. Retrieved December 10, 2013 from Pubmed database

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