Technological Education Philosophy

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In the high school art classroom, technology brings students to the 21st century. Art, while still valued, is becoming a disregarded subject as the world moves forward into technology. I would like to create a digital art classroom that not only helps students learn up-to-date artistic methods, but also teaches them relevant life skills. Carefully integrated technology pulls art students into twenty-first century design careers. It also teaches digital citizenship and builds an effective, relevant learning community. While I integrate technology into my lessons I must consider the effects it has on both the artistic process and my students.
Including technology in my lesson plans requires “Cooperative Learning” between my students and me as well as between the students themselves. The Cooperative learning strategy provides students with ways to interact with each other as well as enhance their learning through technological tools (Pitler, Hubbell & Kuhn, 2012). An online Lino Board, online comments on student work, or an interactive Google map could be implemented and used by students to foster this type of learning. For example, students could post comments about a piece of historical artwork discussed in class on a Lino Board (or online bulletin board) from their computers at home. The class would then be interacting with me, each other, and enhancing their learning from home. Commenting on student work would work in a similar way; however, students could critique each other’s work on our class website to enhance our learning community. The interactive Google map gives the students a method of worldly communication. One might be placed on our class website to record visitors and their origins to show the students that others hav...

... middle of paper ... website would have a “student artwork” page on it in order to showcase excellent student work. The students on this page would be those who I felt really succeeded at communicating their ideas effectively for the assignment. Although this page includes my opinion, it shows all the students how to achieve success in my classroom. Students who have artwork on the page feel the recognition of showcasing their work to other educators, family, friends, and worldly online viewers knowing that they achieved their goal. The page communicates recognition and examples of success in order for the students to learn what artistic methods work most effectively for the communication of their ideas to others.

Works Cited

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R., & Kuhn, M. (2012). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. (2nd ed., pp. 8, 10-12). Alexandria, VA: ASCD/McREL.

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