Team Building Collaboration And Leadership

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Afsaneh Rahili
O&L-698, Team Building, Collaboration, and Leadership
Intersession 2017- Dr. Patricia Mitchell, Dr. Silvia Ramirez
Final Reflection Paper-Experiential Team Activity

When I think about the best experience I've had working in our team last Saturday, what comes to my mind is the feeling of satisfaction and the sense of accomplishment that comes out of hard work, stress, and lots of laughter. I had an amazing team activity experience with the wonderful team members. They were very responsible, creative and competence. Even though we did not have much time to knew each other deeply, but I learned so many things from them. What makes our team experience so great is a combination of several factors. But the most important factor is …show more content…

In the “real world,” problems often have more than one solution, and “two heads are better than one.” Experiential learning enables us to engage the creative portions of our brains and seek our own unique and most fulfilling solution to a hands-on task. This creativity, and the variety of results produced, enriches the classroom and society as a whole. Through these team projects, we learn to work more effectively together, developing a plan of action, and utilizing the unique qualities of each team member. In turn, we learn real-life leadership skills, as well as how to apply critical thinking and adapt to changing circumstances. Critical reflections, and getting classmates to participate in that process of analyzing, reconsidering, and questioning, are key components of successful experiential learning …show more content…

I think I tended to be an introvert person instead of being an extrovert, so, usually I’d rather be observant instead of speaker. But it does not mean that I do not participate in a team activity. During our team activity I have learned to be more creative and push myself to extend my boundaries. View each interaction, and each new social setting as a unique challenge, opportunity and adventure to meet new and wonderful people. I understand going outside of my comfort zone into challenging situations that can benefit my career.

Most Valued Contribution to the experiential activity:
There are many more ways to contribute to great team activity success. Each person is an important piece in the overall project puzzle. We as a team identified goals clearly, once we understand our role and the roles of others we are in a position to collaborate with them more successfully. This collaboration isn't just a nice thing for you to do. It is necessity to the ultimate success of the project. Look for ways and be willing to collaborate. Asking questions, checking in with others, coordinating schedules and having an open communication helped us to succeed

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