Collaborative Learning Essay

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Collaborative learning is an educational approach that involves groups of learners working together to reach a consensus through negotiation to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product (Bruffee, 1993). Learning occurs through active engagement among peers, wherein the main characteristics of collaborative learning are: a common task or activity; small group learning, co-operative behaviour; interdependence; and individual responsibility and accountability (Lejeune, 2003).

Proponents claim that learners’ academic achievement can be significantly improved with the effectiveness of use of collaborative learning. The active exchange of ideas within small groups increases interest among learners and also promotes critical thinking and deeper levels of understanding of concepts (Benware & Deci, 1984). According to Johnson & Johnson (1986), there is convincing evidence that collaborative teams achieve high level of thoughts and retain information longer than learners who work as individuals. The shared learning gives learners an opportunity to engage in discussion, take responsibility for their own learning, and thus become critical thinkers (Totten, Sills, & Russ, 1991).

The aim of this paper is to detail the teaching strategies for collaborative learning adopted for a selected group of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), 3rd year undergraduate learners. The challenges in implementing instructional scaffolding for collaborative learning and its possible remedies are also discussed.

Teaching Environment & Student Profile
As industry liaison at the School of EEE at NTU, I facilitate industry partnerships and promote entrepreneurship within the school. In the coming months, we will be launching an entrepreneurship ...

... middle of paper ...

...arize what they have accomplished and understand may be useful to gauge the timing for scaffolding removal.

While the traditional education stresses independence and competition, we believe that a balance between education for independence and education for teamwork needs to be forged (Kagan, 1992). This is because the commercial world increasingly demands that individuals that are able to work productively in teams and living in the interdependent world of the 21st century will require maximum development of interpersonal skills. Collaborative learning has shown to be an effective approach to realise and prepare learners to talk, listen, judge, and act on issues of common concern. The emphasis placed by collaborative learning on collective responsibility and pursuit of a common goal are well aligned with the skills and competency for the 21st Century.

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