The Importance Of Teamwork In Interpersonal Relationships

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Group Size: A team made up of two individuals
Age Range: Adult
Given Time: 15 to 25 minutes
Space: One whole classroom
Objective: He or she must coach their partner to put their hand in a wooden trap while their eyes are closed.
It will develop a person’s communication skill, their trust, planning and coaching skill
Preparations and Doing the Set up:
This activity should be led by a facilitator who has experience holding a group of individuals. The facilitator must also check for the group’s ability to safely do the activity. Individuals are not forced to participate in the activity and is one hundred percent done voluntarily. They can observe and relate with the activity if they want to. The rules and regulation for the game should be clearly be emphasised. …show more content…

 Facilitate team energy towards the attainment of the corporate objectives.
By the end of this workshop the following outcomes are expected:
 Participants will embrace teamwork and will develop a more cohesive team
 All the participants will have understood what brings and drives team spirit and what breaks team spirit and how to avoid it
 They will have examined the characteristics of effective teams and clarify the key points that make for effective team players.
 Team members to develop trust in each other, communicate openly and support one another.
 Participants to develop an understanding of the role of people, processes and systems in teamwork, and their contribution to the Organization’s Vision
 Come up with an action plan based on the lessons learnt

Three different learning

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