Teaching Students With Disabilities To Write Analysis

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In the modern world of communication, writing is more than just putting pen to paper, is the window for students with intellectual or disabilities to broaden their modes of communication and creative expression and the door to help them to access a variety of employment and social opportunities that they may have otherwise overlooked, avoided, or dismissed in our advanced technological society.(Joseph & Konrad, 2009) Because written expression is a complex process and students do not develop it naturally, teachers struggle with how to best facilitate their students’ execution of the writing process. The differences between students with disabilities and their same age peers without disabilities can be observed both in their writing quality …show more content…

Joseph and Konrad’s (2009) Teaching Students with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities to Write: A Review of the Literature acknowledged strategy instruction through the sequential use of action words, describing words, and revisions in student’s writing. Joseph and Konrad’s (2009) literature review findings indicated that following strategy instruction enabled students to demonstrate gains in both the quantity and quality of writing …show more content…

Teachers who know their student’s strengths and deficits can make accommodations or modifications to the instructional writing practices by revising the content of the curriculum, assignment, or standards to which assignments or grading is evaluated. It is worth noting that making an accommodation changes the approach to a task or assignment with the expectation that the students will demonstrate skills aligned with general education peers. Modification changes what a student is taught or expected to learn. Students who are afforded modifications may have access to general education curriculum but only expected to grasp the big concepts of the curriculum content (Strom, 2016).


Coyne, M., Kame’enui, E., Carnine, D. (2011). Chapter 5, Effective strategies for teaching

writing. Effective Teaching Strategies that Accommodate Diverse Learners. (pp 117-142)

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Joseph, L. & Konrad, M. (2009). Teaching students with intellectural or

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