Tda 3.1 Summarise The Roles Of School Governors

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• School Governors The governors have important responsibility towards schools. Governors can be appointed by local authority, parents or local community. In school there are 10 to 12 people appointed as a governors, among of all this governors there should be one parent governor. Local authority governor appointed by local authority and local community governor who normally work or live in the community governor who served by the school. School governors normally work with head teacher. They are not seen in the school days but attend the meeting related to school management. Governor’s main responsibilities are to set school’s aims and objective for the school, to approve new policies, to set the targets to achieve the aims of the school and their objectives.

• Senior Management Team Senior management team is made up with experience people like head teacher, deputy head teacher, year group leader. Their role is to set the strategic direction of the school and then manage this, lead any changes and generally make sure that the school is doing the best it can for the children who attend the school. They normally meet once in a week to discuss the topic which related to school and make decisions on the issues of the school.

• SENCO SENCO has to take responsibility of …show more content…

They have many and most responsibility towards children and school. For follow their responsibility they have to plan everything before they go to teach the children. Teachers prepare lessons and try to make them as interesting as possible. They prepare homework assignments and assessments. They ensure that the information they pass on is current and correct to the best of their knowledge. They deliver assessments to enable themselves to help each individual student to develop his/her knowledge. They do not judge any of their students. They feedback to parents/carers on the students’

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