Taking Things For Granted

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We often take things for granted growing up in a 1st world country. Living in a world where you can have almost anything you want. We often lose grip of the real world and need to be reminded that other people are not as blessed as we are. It is always good to go out and learn about other people’s life, just so we can truly open our eyes. Maybe you don’t need to learn about other’s lives, but each individual faces some sort of negativity in their lives. My parents bought me a car when I turned 15, a 2007 Ford Fusion. I had driven the car for about a year, nothing went wrong till a month ago. I wrecked my car, thus totaling it and forcing to give it up. 2 months of riding the bus and being reliant on my parents once again made me regret taking it for granted. I now have a less nice Saturn, I’m more thankful for this car and pay insurance and gas on it. …show more content…

It is only when you lose a loved one when you realize their importance and how much you love them. I had a grandma and grandpa who lived in Colorado, where I was born. In the month of October we learned my grandmother was in the hospital. My mom, dad and I all drove up there over fall break to go see her, along with two of my uncles. We spent 3 days up there just spending time with her in the hospital. We were waiting on a Kidney donor, as well as a liver. On November 22nd, 2015 she passed away at 7 a.m. This was the ultimate experience to never take family ever again. Now i hardly argue with my mom and learn to rely on her much less a and show her much more

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