Taking Potassium Supplements

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Potassium is a necessary mineral that helps the kidneys, heart and other organs function properly. Fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium, providing people who eat a healthy diet with plenty of potassium. Unfortunately, many people in the United States don't eat enough fruits and vegetables per day, causing potassium deficiency. Potassium supplements are often recommended by doctor and nutritionists for people who don't have enough potassium in their diet in order to prevent or treat different medical conditions that result from lack of potassium.

Causes of Low Potassium

Aside from eating a diet low in fresh fruits and vegetables, there are several reasons that a person can have low potassium, which can result in the need to take a supplement. …show more content…

It is a necessary mineral and an electrolyte, which carries a positive electric charge. Potassium is responsible for:

Proper contracting and relaxing of the muscles and nerves
Keeping the heart healthy with a steady, regular heartbeat
Keeping the proper amount of fluid levels and ph balance in the blood
Strong bones, preventing the kidneys from excreting too much calcium that can cause osteoporosis
Preventing kidney stones by excreting excess citrate through the urine
Regulating blood pressure levels

Benefits of Taking Potassium Supplements

When a person is deficient in potassium, an irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, bone problems, muscle cramping, kidney stones and kidney problems may occur. Though doctors recommend eating a healthy diet as the first defense against these problems, if a person can't properly absorb potassium or they expel too much, supplements should be taken to prevent these problems.

A study by St. George's Medical School in London found that taking potassium supplements lowers blood pressure. The study tested adults who had an average blood pressure of 151/93. After taking potassium supplements, participants were able to reduce their blood pressure to an average of

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