Systematic Training in the Skills of Virginia Satir

753 Words2 Pages

Family Map

Father – Mr. Ho

Mother – Mrs. Ho

The eldest son – Man

Little son – Siu-ming

The family of origin’s influence

Satir mentioned that parental style of communication, family rules and family position are greatly influenced by their family of origin. They bring together what they learned in their own family implicitly and explicitly and formulated the context of their family now. (Rasheed, 2010) In this case, Mrs. and Mrs. Ho’s parental style and attitudes also are influenced by their family of origin.

For Mr. Ho’s family of origin, he is the firstborn son and his father has a higher expectation towards him as his father is from low-income family. His father needs him having a good academic achievement in order to carry a future, and he must follow his father order as to avoid punishment. As a result, he has high demands on his children and expects they must enter to the university.

In addition, his family is hierarchical causing inequality and power imbalance, and the family members must conform to those in authority. (Rasheed, 2010) In his family, all family members follow his father to maintain family harmony. However, this is just one of the better ways of letting everyone ought to confront (Rasheed, 2010) rather than facilitate the development of healthy family. Consequently, it influenced his formulation of role in his family – he requires family member must follow him.

For Mrs. Ho’s family of origin, she is an only child in her family. Her father provides her a lot of freedom focusing her happiness and comfort, additionally, her family is relatively equal as her parents give her freedom on any decision making. She lives without pressure in her childhood. Therefore, she seldom affects ...

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...their son, however, these expectations are unrealistic. Unrealistic expectations are one of ways to maintain family’s function in equilibrium. (Loeschen, 1998) In this family, Siu-ming is expected to enter Secordary Six and univesity, also cooperate with his parents. Yet this expectation is set from the parents without considering Siu.ming’s willingness and competence. Hence, the expectation is just to makes his parents feel worthy by achieving this expectation and fulfill what his parents want.

Low Self-esteem

As Ho’s family appeared dysfunction by inapporiate roles, restrictive rules and unrealistic expectation towards children which mentioned in the above sections, Siu-ming loses himself and unables to use his own resources.


Loeschen, S. (1998). Systematic Training in the Skills of Virginia Satir. US: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.

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