Support Children's Holistic Development Essay

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Speech, language and communication development is important for children’s holistic development. Through the development of speech and language, children will learn to socialise and express their preferences and their needs, and be able to make sense of the world. Communicate will support the development of their confidence and self-esteem. It is very important that young children listen to others as much as possible but also to put their own language skills to use.
Personal, social and emotional development is very important for children because it will have effect on their confidence and self- esteem. Babies and children need to have positive interactions and form firm attachments from the earliest stages, and feel reassured emotionally by the adults around them. It is very important to give children praise, encouragement and guidance because it will help them develop a greater sense of self-worth. Children will in turn be able to form positive relationships and friendships with their peers through their interactions.
Physical development is very important for children it involves children’s health, physical strength, mobility and sensory abilities. They will need to have opportunities to exercise …show more content…

For example a baby’s development can be affected during the pregnancy, if a mother smokes, takes drugs, drinks alcohol or contracts certain infections such as rubella. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome occurs when a mother drinks large amounts of alcohol during her pregnancy. This condition will usually affect a child’s cognitive and physical development. The child may be underweight, problem with feeding and speech due to facial abnormalities, problems with memory and communication and a low IQ. Child may have to spend long time in hospital and miss more leaning opportunities. Also conditions like asthma triggered by certain conditions could affect child's physical development and need hospital/doctors visits

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