Suppleness in Physical Education

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Suppleness in Physical Education

The definition of flexibility, suppleness and mobility is the range of

movement possible round a joint and this depends on the amount of

stretch allowed by the ligaments, joints, tendons and muscles.

Flexibility is an important component of physical fitness for all

athletes as increasing your flexibility aids performance and helps to

avoid unnecessary injury. It is impossible to have the same degree of

flexibility around all joints as the joint structure itself limits

flexibility, for example a lot of movement is possible at the shoulder

joint because it is a ball and socket joint, but movement at the hinge

joint of the knee is more limited.

Increasing body temperature helps to improve flexibility, which is a

good reason why an athlete should always warm up. Our range of

movement deteriorates as we get older, due to shortening of the

connective tissue and general joint degeneration caused by wear and


Why should a netballer do mobility exercises?

The objective of mobility training is to improve the range of stretch

of the antagonistic muscles. Mobility plays an important part in the

preparation of netballers by developing a range of movement to allow

technical development and assisting in the prevention of injury.

All athletes require a basic level of general all round mobility to

allow them to benefit from other forms of training. In addition,

netball players will need to develop specific mobility for those joint

actions involved in the techniques of their game.

Netballers do not have the option to dribble the ball; therefore

netball is very much a passing game. Throwing is one...

... middle of paper ...

...ying netball as players have to repeatedly bend down

to gather low passes or rolling balls. As I play the position of

centre, a high level of stamina is vital as the centre is the player

who links the defence to the attack. The centre is designated to a

large area on the court so a lot of movement is required. Netball

consists of the players continuously passing the ball, so endurance in

the biceps brachii and triceps trachii is essential which enables

players to pass the ball accurately with speed and power throughout

the game. A good level of stamina will ensure that fatigue will not

affect your performance. Lack of stamina is highlighted in the last

quarter of many matches in which a player complains of “jelly legs.”

This is usually accompanied by decreased performance in skills

requiring muscular strength or power.

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