Supergirl Thesis

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Thesis: The character in this short story fantasizes about being Supergirl for many reasons. She fantasizes about her looks, money, and the ability to see past where she is stuck at right now in her life. She fantasizes about those reasons to help her deal with her actual life. Appearance is one fantasy the narrator has. The narrator talks about waking up from her dream having “tight curls still clinging to [her] head” (Cofer 317), but during her dream she fantasized having “straight”(317), and “golden color” (317) hair. The narrator also talks about Supergirl’s body which is the exact body that she wants. The narrator says her body is “[filled] out”(317) as she “climbed the stairs to the top of [her] apartment building”(317), but later on …show more content…

The narrator talks about her landlord and how she is going to “[blow] a little puff of [her] superbreath into his fireplace, scattering his stacks of money so that he had to start counting all over again”(317). That is after she said that her parent’s “fear”(317) their landlord. All suggesting that because the landlord has more money then her family they feel inferior to him and feel fear of him, but as Supergirl she no longer has that fear and can mess with him as she pleases to. The narrator also fantasizes about exploring with Supergirl’s powers. She talks about flying and being able to “[see] everything even beyond the few blocks of [her] barrio”(317). She also used her “X-ray vision” to “look inside the homes of people who interested [her]”(317). even though her reality was that of a “dismal alley”(317). The narrator uses the fantasy of Supergirl’s super powers in order to escape the sight of her own reality of where she lives, and what surrounds

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