Reality And Reality In Judith Oritz Cofer's Volar

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Wouldn’t it be amazing to travel anywhere you wanted to go in the world without a plane to take you there? Well, we’ve all wanted the ability to fly at least once in our lifetime. We would have the luxury to travel anywhere we wanted and we wouldn’t have to worry about the constant struggle to find enough money just to get to the destination. We would learn more about the world by seeing things through a new perspective if we could fly ourselves to it in the blink of an eye. Judith Oritz Cofer as the author shows us this ability through the characters in the short story, “Volar”. One of the characters is a little girl who dreams and fantasizes about who and what she wants to become and this also is interpreted in her reality. The little girl reads her favorite comic book called “Supergirl” From the events that take place in her dream it is noticeable that the little girl is insecure about her appearance. In her recurring dream she changes into someone she is not, “my legs would grow long, my arms harden to steel, and my hair would magically go straight and turn a golden color” (Par. 1). Her view on beauty is distorted due to her fixation on fictional characters in a book. The little girl wakes up every time aware she cannot change her physical …show more content…

The little girl wants to be someone else and to be something more in her life, so her character literally fly’s to new places to visit interesting people. The mother wants to fly to see her family, but the concluding statement made by her depicts that she also wants to fly out of the financial circumstances that her family is in. The two character’s both want something more out of life, but for the little girl it is still a dream and she can control the outcome any time she wants. The mother dreams of flying to see her family, but she wants her dreams to become reality so she and her family can have better

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