Everyday, companies are using advertisements to promote what they have to offer to the people of society. On an average, President of the Firm Yankelovich, Jay Walker- Smith says “we’ve gone from being exposed to about 500 ads in the 1970’s to as many as 5,000 a day today”(Johnson). Yes, all of these ads are promoting different brands, companies, products, events, and so on, but what they do have in common is that they are all competing using some of the same advertising techniques to appeal to consumers. Techniques often exploited include music, repetitiveness, and the color scheme used throughout the film. Through the interpretation of these techniques in its film, Sun Drop’s producers created a very effective commercial that would draw …show more content…
As stated in the article Purchase Occasion Influence of the Role of Music in Advertising, in the Journal of Research, by Mark Alpert, “Key factors in how musical elements impact on an ad and the product is the consumer’s subjective perception of the appropriateness of the music as it relates to the central idea of the ad.” Music has the power to change the way one is feeling whether it makes them sad, happy, mad, excited, etc. For different occasions, there is music that would be appropriate at the time. “Drop it like it’s Hot” was a very popular song in 2004, and it hit the top charts of the “Billboards Top 100 for three weeks” that year(Master). This song is a one that gets people hyper, and it is catchy. By using this song in the background of the film, it automatically grabs viewer’s attention within the first six-seven seconds of the advertisement. This music goes along with the idea that the producers of the film want people to see the drink as an energy booster and the drink makes people just want to groove. Because of the upbeat music and the lady’s dance moves, this ad would really stand out to people who are out alot, and need a nice,cold
The film artfully intercuts clips from hundreds of familiar television ads with insights from Stuart Ewen,
Nowadays, commercial is becoming a major part of mass media. It does not only try to inform people about the availability and attractiveness of industrial good productions but also contribute to build an awareness of resources and alternatives for customer in daily life. There are thousands of commercials, so to attract customer, advertisers use various kinds on their commercial to make people aware of the firm's products, services or brands. Though they use various kinds on the commercial, the main goal of advertising tries to convince customer to buy their products, or do what they want. An excellent commercial will create a deep impression on their customers, or who want to become their customers by using three classical appeals: pathos, ethos and logos.
Oreo Cookie and Six Flags Commercials - Nostalgia for Sale Many television commercials choose to feature a contrast between youth and maturity as their subject. An “Oreo Cookie” commercial, for example, features a little girl who is about four years old mimicking her grandfather’s actions in eating a cookie. Another commercial advertises the popular theme park, Six Flags Great Adventure. This commercial, entitled “The Six Flags Dancing Man,” features an elderly man dancing like an enthusiastic child.
According to Robert Scholes, author of On Reading a Video Text, commercials aired on television hold a dynamic power over human beings on a subconscious level. He believes that through the use of specific tools, commercials can hold the minds of an audience captive, and can control their abilities to think rationally. Visual fascination, one of the tools Scholes believes captures the minds of viewers, can take a simple video, and through the use of editing and special effects, turn it into a powerful scene which one simply cannot take his or her eyes from. Narrativity is yet another way Scholes feels commercials can take control of the thoughts of a person sitting in front of the television. Through the use of specific words, sounds, accompanying statements and or music, a television commercial can hold a viewer’s mind within its grasp, just long enough to confuse someone into buying a product for the wrong reason. The most significant power over the population held by television commercials is that of cultural reinforcement, as Scholes calls it. By offering a human relation throughout itself, a commercial can link with the masses as though it’s speaking to the individual viewer on an equal level. A commercial In his essay, Scholes analyzes a Budweiser commercial in an effort to prove his statements about the aforementioned tools.
The question often is what makes a good advertisement? The answer is simple, it should be able to grab the attention of the targeted audience, and even better it should be able to make the targeted audience fall in love with the advertisement so that they can be persuaded to achieve the desired results. Of all the forms of advertisement, TV commercials always are the best considered effective way to pass the message to the targets. I believe that the combination of audio-visual effects can engrave the commercial into the hearts and minds of the viewers and that is why I have chosen to analyse a TV commercial by Weetabix: Weetabix Chocolate Dubstep Cereal Commercial.
Advertisements are one of many things that Americans cannot get away from. Every American sees an average of 3,000 advertisements a day; whether it’s on the television, radio, while surfing the internet, or while driving around town. Advertisements try to get consumers to buy their products by getting their attention. Most advertisements don’t have anything to do with the product itself. Every company has a different way of getting the public’s attention, but every advertisement has the same goal - to sell the product. Every advertisement tries to appeal to the audience by using ethos, pathos, and logos, while also focusing on who their audience is and the purpose of the ad. An example of this is a Charmin commercial where there is a bear who gets excited when he gets to use the toilet paper because it is so soft.
The Proactiv ad from November 2012 includes a picture of Katy Perry in a brownish background with her hand up to her mouth. Her eyes are greenish and bucked as if she were shocked about something. Her skin looks as smooth as a baby skin. Katy Perry also has a pair of small white pearl in her ears. On her face says “I’m Not Polite I’m Proactiv”. There are three bottles of Proactiv 3 steps solution shown at the bottom right hand corner and a number at the bottom of the photo. Underneath the quote says Katy Perry typed in white. Her photo shoot is from her head to her shoulders. Just enough for viewers to focus on Proactiv product. Her hair is long black and sitting pass her shoulders. Katy Perry is a famous well-known singer. Proactiv is the number one acne system there is. Dr. Kathy Fields and Dr. Katie Rodan are two well-known dermatologists that started the Proactiv solution skin care-line. Proactvi is not a drug it is an over the counter medical care that contains benzoyl peroxide. The promotion effectively uses logos, ethos, and pathos to persuade the onlookers to purchase Proactiv products.
While watching this film I gained greater insight into the intricate process that goes into the ads in which I come into contact every day. This film revealed the vast amount of advertising that surrounds me every day which I may often miss. I am now more aware that each ad I see from location to color to size has a purpose behind the choices made to create it.
As May approaches, many students, teachers, and parents prepare for graduation ceremonies. This time is often used for reflection upon all the accomplishments of those involved. Google, a world-renowned search engine has been using this reflection mentality in a multitude of its commercials. In 2011, the company released a commercial promoting its internet browser, Google Chrome (Nudd). This commercial, “Dear Sophie Lee,” was one of Google’s first, and it became an instant classic (Nudd). It was part of a string of advertisements centered upon the Chrome browser (Nudd). For her thesis paper, Ms.Vanessa To of Ryerson University compared a few of the Google commercials based on their likes and comments on YouTube. Her analysis showed people were more than ten times more likely to have a positive reaction to the video than a negative one (To). Google Chrome’s “Dear Sophie Lee” advertisement adeptly conveys its company’s message: “The web is what you make of it.”
The specific emotions that are exemplified in this advertisement from music are determination, focus, sympathy, and contentment. In the first three scenes there are two people running and another is doing sit ups. They each are showing determination to get through the exercise without renouncing. The next segment involves a boy on a school bus. He illustrates focus no matter the occurrences proceeding. Following, is a girl on the train dancing, showing pleasure; then, there is guy waiting for a ride, illustrating delight. Upcoming, is a party scene where all people is showing enjoyment and further is about girl crying, constructing the audience to feel sympathetic. Succeeding, is people dancing on the subway modelling contentedness, proceeding with men having their jobs at focal point. Towards the end, there are scenes involving motorcyclists, a boxer, kids at a park, a pilot, bus driver, and people having a joy ride and carrying out the emotions listed above. Because of the song playing throughout the advertisement, various emotional responses were created; it also gave conflicting meanings to each individual person because of contrastive experiences each person has had. The additional use of logos promotes consumers to invest in
Advertising is as old as civilization itself. They are forever interconnected. If one changes then so does the other. So as our society evolved dramatically by the influence of technology and social media, so did the way we advertised. With the power of technology, advertising gained the ability to be everywhere at once. These locations ranged from billboards, to projector screens that hang from skyscrapers, to even in your homes in the form of commercials. The evolution of advertising in the modern world is both somewhat disturbing and innovative at the same time.
The advertising industry has always played a role in consumerism, but by the 1960’s its role was changing as the advertising structure and order that was normally found was being replaced with nonconformity. The simple structure of advertising showing a single picture no longer evoked the emotions advertisers were looking for, instead fast paced or out of the ordinary became the name of the game. This book delves into the idea that corporations played a major role in
The video describes how our society may not even care about the product being advertised, but we still read the billboard or watch the commercial. Also mentioned was the use of colors in a commercial, the marketing effects in politics, and even market research obtained by studying different cults. Frontline takes an in-depth look at the multibillion-dollar “persuasion industries” of advertising and how this rhetoric affects everyone. So whether this is in the form of a television commercial or a billboard, pathos, logos, and ethos can be found in all advertisements.
Advertising effectiveness refer to the changes that advertising causes in the mental or physical state or activities of the recipient of an ad (Jellis Gerard).
The Illusion of Advertisements Advertisements are pieces of art or literary work that are meant to make the viewer or reader associate with the activity or product represented in the advertisement. According to Kurtz and Dave (2010), in so doing, they aim at either increasing the demand of the product, to inform the consumer of the existence, or to differentiate that product from other existing ones in the market. Therefore, the advertiser’s aim should at all times try as much as possible to stay relevant and to the point. The advert alongside is simple and straight to the point. It contains very few details but extremely large content with the choice of words and graphics.