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Advertising impact on children
Advertising impact on children
Advertising impact on children
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Chuanqi Lan AAD 251 fall 2016 11/25/2016 WEETABIX CHOCOLATE CEREAL COMMERCIAL The question often is what makes a good advertisement? The answer is simple, it should be able to grab the attention of the targeted audience, and even better it should be able to make the targeted audience fall in love with the advertisement so that they can be persuaded to achieve the desired results. Of all the forms of advertisement, TV commercials always are the best considered effective way to pass the message to the targets. I believe that the combination of audio-visual effects can engrave the commercial into the hearts and minds of the viewers and that is why I have chosen to analyse a TV commercial by Weetabix: Weetabix Chocolate Dubstep Cereal Commercial. …show more content…
This can be found on the link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbEy98llGRU TV commercials are like going to a masquerade party, you can never know what to expect but still you expect to not be disappointed and therefore creating an effective TV commercial calls for a lot of elements of media brought in together, such as: catchy music, a beautiful woman, loud sounds, sense of humour, and basically anything that would appeal to our human senses. The TV commercial by Weetabix is surely something that provokes more than sense of sight. The video humbly starts with young girl in her room at her table eating a bowl of Weetabix Chocolate. The room is well lit to give the ambience of the brand which is mainly colour yellow. She gets up from her seat and she walks past her bed suddenly the dolls come to life, and in that minute everything in the room comes to life. Music starts and she is joined by her teddy bears wear they dance to very catchy dubstep music, full of energy. The video is well choreographed that you are actually drawn into believing the dolls are alive. After fifty seconds of enjoying the music and the dance, everything stops and the teddy bears drop dead on the floor. The little girls shyly curtsey to three friends, around her age, who are gawking at her with their jaws dropped. As the video ends, a voice comes on and reading what is on the screen as a teddy bear sits silently next to the box of Weetabix. In this TV commercial therefore there is music, a beautiful girl, words and visual humour. The message of the TV commercial by Weetabix I believe is mainly aimed at children below ten years of age; this is a case where the commercial is not really aimed at the parents since they are the ones spending but at the children who will fall in love with the commercial and believe that they can be like the girl dancing.
The second reason why I believe that this commercial is aimed at children is the fact there are no any adult characters but children and the teddy bears. This picture is to make children believe that by eating the Weetabix chocolate they will be “FUELED FOR FUN” just like the little girl in the video, who amazes her friends by what she can do with just a spoon of Weetabix chocolate. It is basically the children and the dolls, integrated with energy filled music that provokes the sense of “want” in children who sees the video. The first girl who is dancing represents the child who eats the Weetabix chocolate while the lads sitting amazed represent the collection who do not indulge themselves in Weetabix, they lack the fuel to be amazing and that is why they sit in wonder. The dolls are for positive association as they create a positive feeling of belonging and familiarity to children, as they are children’s favourite and thus I believe by associating the dolls and dancing with Weetabix, every time a child thinks of music or teddy bears the first thought that will come to them is the …show more content…
product. This then brings me to the hidden message of the TV commercial.
Any child who sees this TV commercial will end up believing that Weetabix chocolate is their morning coffee and thus will only associate playing time with Weetabix. This also is the part of the commercial that I believe is controversial because if a child has put his or her mind to this mentality it means they will end up believing that they cannot do anything creative without having this product. To the children who see this commercial and live in a family that cannot offer them Weetabix will believe that they are inferior to the other children who consume it on daily basis. Therefore, this commercial only favours the rich type of children but do not consider the under privileged. Yes, even though the target audience in this TV commercial are children, it should have been created to favour all the
classes. Still, I believe the TV commercial has been very effective in achieving its desired results which is convincing the target audience, the children, which they really need to have this product. Children are not good at reading or listening to too much conversation but they are easily entertained with good music and captivating videos. The elements used in communicating are very clear, concise and focused to the point and very entertaining in deed. The video is very interesting that it sparks interest from the moment the little girl gets up from her seat. Dancing as part of the advertisement is to have the children also get involved when they see the TV commercial coming on, as a number would find themselves leaving whatever they were doing and try to dance and the girl in the video is doing. The artworks in the background is also an element that tries to distract the target from focusing solely on the dance and familiarize that this is their bedroom where they often play with their friends, kind of like showing the territory of children. With all these put well together, this TV commercial has been effective in communicating the message it desired. In conclusion, I believe creating a TV commercial requires a lot of work as it calls for bring the message to life, and in this TV commercial that I chose, the message has been clearly put without overdoing it. It is created in a manner that it sticks to the memory of the target, especially by involving the music and the teddy bears. These two though separate, at any point that the target audience encounter them separately, they will always be associated with the product that was being advertised in the video. This is how you realize that the message has hit the targeted audience. If the message is not delivered in a way that it sticks in the mind of the consumer, then television advertising would be considered ineffective. This would be a big loss to an organization because; television advertising is expensive. As such, the message must sink in well for there to be an effective return on investment. Otherwise, the advertiser would be better off looking to other forms of advertising that are cheaper and have a higher return on investment.
Throughout the article, Leonard Pitts Jr. makes it abundantly clear his disapproval of the "McBudget" strategy served up by the fast food mega giant. The mood portrayed could at best be described as complete and utter disbelief, with a bitter pinch of anguish. Metaphorically punching well-crafted, rational hole after hole into an exceedingly narrow-minded proposal, used to shade a harsh reality. Though subtle and straight forward, it's the underlining depths of the author's argument which truly bear the antagonizing weight in the piece. The masterful used of the word "bupkes" for example; conveys a rhetorical first strike. A Yiddish word meaning "next to nothing"; Pitts' particular choice of language supplemented a more culturally philosophical notion.
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Nowadays, commercial is becoming a major part of mass media. It does not only try to inform people about the availability and attractiveness of industrial good productions but also contribute to build an awareness of resources and alternatives for customer in daily life. There are thousands of commercials, so to attract customer, advertisers use various kinds on their commercial to make people aware of the firm's products, services or brands. Though they use various kinds on the commercial, the main goal of advertising tries to convince customer to buy their products, or do what they want. An excellent commercial will create a deep impression on their customers, or who want to become their customers by using three classical appeals: pathos, ethos and logos.
In the book Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer wrote about Christopher McCandless, a nature lover in search for independence, in a mysterious and hopeful experience. Even though Krakauer tells us McCandless was going to die from the beginning, he still gave him a chance for survival. As a reader I wanted McCandless to survive. In Into the Wild, Krakauer gave McCandless a unique perspective. He was a smart and unique person that wanted to be completely free from society. Krakauer included comments from people that said McCandless was crazy, and his death was his own mistake. However, Krakauer is able to make him seem like a brave person. The connections between other hikers and himself helped in the explanation of McCandless’s rational actions. Krakauer is able to make McCandless look like a normal person, but unique from this generation. In order for Krakauer to make Christopher McCandless not look like a crazy person, but a special person, I will analyze the persuading style that Krakauer used in Into the Wild that made us believe McCandless was a regular young adult.
According to Robert Scholes, author of On Reading a Video Text, commercials aired on television hold a dynamic power over human beings on a subconscious level. He believes that through the use of specific tools, commercials can hold the minds of an audience captive, and can control their abilities to think rationally. Visual fascination, one of the tools Scholes believes captures the minds of viewers, can take a simple video, and through the use of editing and special effects, turn it into a powerful scene which one simply cannot take his or her eyes from. Narrativity is yet another way Scholes feels commercials can take control of the thoughts of a person sitting in front of the television. Through the use of specific words, sounds, accompanying statements and or music, a television commercial can hold a viewer’s mind within its grasp, just long enough to confuse someone into buying a product for the wrong reason. The most significant power over the population held by television commercials is that of cultural reinforcement, as Scholes calls it. By offering a human relation throughout itself, a commercial can link with the masses as though it’s speaking to the individual viewer on an equal level. A commercial In his essay, Scholes analyzes a Budweiser commercial in an effort to prove his statements about the aforementioned tools.
If you are an experienced advertiser than you would now that the number one way to sell a product requires a well-known famous idol in a commercial. Proactiv is a company that sells medicine that is known to kill and prevent any bacterial breakouts. Additionally, Proactiv's commercials are known for featuring well-known celebrities to act as their spokesperson. One celebrity in particular, that was used in the selling of Proactive products was Adam Levine. Known to be the “sexist” person alive, Adam Levine is well known for his music and television show appearances. Using Adam as a spokesperson opens up opportunities to sell their products to not only his fans, but other individuals around the ages of thirteen to sixteen. While this advertisement would be effective to fans of Adam Levine, the overall information that was stated was weak and lacked any logical statements, besides the fact that “millions of people” use the treatment, that could have been used to prove their accusations true.
The Letter from Birmingham Jail was written by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in April of 1963. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of several civil rights activists who were arrested in Birmingham Alabama, after protesting against racial injustices in Alabama. Dr. King wrote this letter in response to a statement titled A Call for Unity, which was published on Good Friday by eight of his fellow clergymen from Alabama. Dr. King uses his letter to eloquently refute the article. In the letter dr. king uses many vivid logos, ethos, and pathos to get his point across. Dr. King writes things in his letter that if any other person even dared to write the people would consider them crazy.
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Pollan’s article provides a solid base to the conversation, defining what to do in order to eat healthy. Holding this concept of eating healthy, Joe Pinsker in “Why So Many Rich Kids Come to Enjoy the Taste of Healthier Foods” enters into the conversation and questions the connection of difference in families’ income and how healthy children eat (129-132). He argues that how much families earn largely affect how healthy children eat — income is one of the most important factors preventing people from eating healthy (129-132). In his article, Pinsker utilizes a study done by Caitlin Daniel to illustrate that level of income does affect children’s diet (130). In Daniel’s research, among 75 Boston-area parents, those rich families value children’s healthy diet more than food wasted when children refused to accept those healthier but
What captures the attention of people when they view an advertisement, commercial or poster? Is it the colors, a captivating phrase or the people pictured? While these are some of the elements often employed in advertising, we can look deeper and analyze the types of appeals that are utilized to draw attention to certain advertisements. The persuasive methods used can be classified into three modes. These modes are pathos, logos, and ethos. Pathos makes an appeal to emotions, logos appeals to logic or reason and ethos makes an appeal of character or credibility. Each appeal can give support to the message that is being promoted.
The movie trailer “Rio 2”, shows a great deal of pathos, ethos, and logos. These rhetorical appeals are hidden throughout the movie trailer; however, they can be recognized if paying attention to the details and montage of the video. I am attracted to this type of movies due to the positive life messages and the innocent, but funny personifications from the characters; therefore, the following rhetorical analysis will give a brief explanation of the scenes, point out the characteristics of persuasive appeals and how people can be easily persuaded by using this technique, and my own interpretation of the message presented in the trailer.
Any agency that uses children for marketing schemes spend hundreds of billions dollars each year world wide persuading and manipulating consumer’s lifestyles that lead to overindulgence and squandering. Three articles uncover a social problem that advertising companies need to report about. In his research piece “Kid Kustomers” Eric Schlosser considers the reasons for the number of parents that allow their children to consume such harmful foods such as ‘McDonalds’. McDonalds is food that is meant to be fast and not meant to be a regular diet. Advertising exploits children’s needs for the wealth of their enterprise, creating false solutions, covering facts about their food and deceiving children’s insecurities. It contains dissatisfaction that leads to over consumption. Children are particularly vulnerable to this sort of manipulation, American Psychological Association article, “Youth Oriented Advertising” reveals the facts upon the statics on consumers in the food industries. The relationship that encourages young children to adapt towards food marketing schemes, make them more vulnerable to other schemes, such as, advertising towards clothing, toys and cars. Article writer of “The relationship between cartoon trade character recognition and attitude toward product category in young children”, Richard Mizerski, discusses a sample that was given to children ages three to six years old, about how advertising incurs young children that are attracted too certain objects or products on the market.
Jonathan Kozol revealed the early period’s situation of education in American schools in his article Savage Inequalities. It seems like during that period, the inequality existed everywhere and no one had the ability to change it; however, Kozol tried his best to turn around this situation and keep track of all he saw. In the article, he used rhetorical strategies effectively to describe what he saw in that situation, such as pathos, logos and ethos.
I know it can be hard but try to remember when we were kids how much we all loved to wake up early on Saturday morning, sneak to the T.V., and watch our favorite cartoons. We loved to do this not only so that we could see our favorite characters go through troublesome dilemmas each episode, but also that we could see what was new on the market and try to convince our parents to spare a few dollars and buy it. This tactic has been used from years upon years and will likely continue occurring for the simple reason that it works. Businessmen in the marketing know that kids will see the latest and greatest thing and insist to their parent that they must have it. And with a little persistence and maybe a temper tantrum or two, they usually get it. Sometime commercials will appeal to not only the child, but also to parents because they can see the new toys that they are able to buy for their kids. Because there is always a constant demand for new toys, there will always be a entrepreneur trying to make money by creating a product, and market it in the way of commercialization. It is a never ending cycle which will always occur as long as there is T.V. because it is how they make their money.
Whether it be a food, a particular catch phrase, a child can be the easiest for advertisers to prey on. & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;Many types of foods targeted towards children have a catch phrase associated towards them. Commercials use these catch phrases to implant their product into the children’s memory of the past. One example, is the goldfish crackers. “I love the fishes ‘cause their so delicious.” This is the theme to a well-known commercial, which advertises.