Summary Of The Titan's Curse By Rick Riordan

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In Rick Riordan’s The Titan’s Curse, Percy Jackson is back one year older with much more to prove. In this section of the saga, Percy, accompanied by his best friend at Camp Half-Blood, Annabeth, and the newly reincarnated daughter of Zeus, Thalia, set off to locate their satyr friend Grover, who believes he has found two more half-bloods that he must protect, twins named Nico and Bianca. Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia arrive and get into a battle with a monster named “The General”. The Greek goddess of the hunt, Artemis, shows up with her ‘Hunters’ to try and help defeat The General, and in the heat of the battle, Artemis and Annabeth fall off of a cliff and The General disappears. Percy, Thalia, Grover, and the Hunters are able to hitch a ride back to camp with Artemis’ twin brother, Apollo, the Greek god of the sun. Once arriving Artemis convinces Bianca to swear her life to becoming a Hunter. …show more content…

They must find Artemis before the winter solstice because the Olympians have a Council meeting and she is always one who is a voice of reason. Percy sneaks along the trip while riding a Pegasus sent to him by Poseidon named Blackjack. He is dropped off with the rest of the gang in Washington, D.C., and reveals that he snuck along. The hunters are angry with him, but accept his help and they travel west to San Francisco, defeating a few monsters along the way, but losing Bianca to death in battle. The group gets stranded in San Francisco with no ride and go to Annabeth’s father’s house to get his car to drive to Mount Othrys to save Artemis and

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