Atalant The Heros Journey In The Hero's Journey

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The best quality stories do not have to be the most popular ones. After being raised in the wild, Atalanta becomes an amazing huntress with unbelievable speed. She rises to fame by killing an seemingly unkillable boar, and as a result she gains many suitors, one of which outwits her to seal her unwanted fate. Many different heroes in lots of different cultures follow a series of events in their lifetime leading to the achievement of their goal as well as the zap back to reality. Joseph Campbell refers to this process as The Hero's Journey. Atalanta skips up the staircase of the Hero's journey leaping over some steps. Atalanta´s quest started when she was abandoned by her father who ¨...when a daughter and not a son was born to him, was, of course, bitterly disappointed.¨ (Hamilton). The first stage of the Hero's Journey is called, the itiation. In the initiation the hero is called to action and does not want to go right away. The hero then does something to make him venture into the unknown, unable to go back after their brush with danger. Atalanta would have died in the wild as a little …show more content…

Due to a accidental exclusion of sacrifice to greek goddess of hunt and moon named Artemis by a the king, Artemis got furious and sent a huge boat to come down and terrorize the people. Atalanta was able to join the hunt full of men heros because of her talent. No one thought she should be there but Atalanta proved them all wrong by killing the boar just before anymore people got hurt. However Atalanta had shown that she could do things just as good as a boy could leading to her father taking her back into his home, this step in the Hero's Journey is called the atonement with the father yet that does happen until later in Atalanta's life. Nevertheless though Atalanta did not face the steps in order as Joseph Campbell mentions in the Hero's

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