Summary Of 'The Name Jar' By Yngsook Choi's The Name Jar

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Yangsook Choi’s ‘The Name Jar’ published in the year 2001 is multicultural children’s fiction which deals with the apprehensions of a newly arrived Korean girl Unhie in the United States who is nervous about her name which she thinks kids in her new school will not be able to pronounce or understand. On the first day of her school while giving an introduction she tells the class that she hasn’t picked up a name yet post which a large jar filled with different American English names comes to her desk which leaves her confused as to which name to finally pick for herself. Will she pick up a new American name or continue with her Korean name? The story is multifaceted in its maneuverings of identity politics, culture, multiculturalism …show more content…

the results were that identity formation came out to be what ‘other’ think about us or in what light are we perceived as people that influenced one’ own understanding of self and identity came to be understood as culturally rooted image which was sketched vis a vis the group they could identify themselves with. But Rajeev bhargave in his ‘multiculturalsim and…’ counters this logic of identity as “trivial” and “reductive” . he says “ if an object has to retain its identity,it must remain same with itself overtime. A thing with a plausible sense of identity must endure. However, it is impossible for anything to remain same with itself in all respects all the time. The demand that it do so imposes such stringent requirement that no object can meet it. It renders any object retaining its identity over time”. So a person can be identified to some group or culture in only some but not all

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