Student Retention Essay

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Statistics shows that 50% of successful college students or less receive their degrees or certificates; and only 25% of “at –risk” students graduate. (Prof. V. Tinto (2013)
As the issues of retention are on the rise, colleges are looking for the ways to establish student support services and programs to control and boost the completion of programs among students. For successful academic progress students need to have not only good academic support but social and cultural support at school. Students should be engaged in student life, campus should create a right learning environment, to support the communication and to connect students. Student don’t learn only in a classroom nowadays. Outside of the classroom experience with student services are relatively important. General socialization is especially important for “at-risk” students. Engaging in shared experience gives sense of sense of support, community and belonging and can cost nothing. It can start with collaboration in classroom and go to learning communities. Social and academic interest club on campuses can help students to make friends and feel more at ease in a new environment. Schools like Chandler Gilbert and Phoenix College use learning community programs to perfume more effectively in collaboration. Most schools nowadays …show more content…

Starfish CONNECT™ which is a second part of Early Warning Alert program is used to connect students with instructors and their mentors for extra academic and personal support. Together, the systems produces valuable data for the institution, which can help to provide the maximum support for the students based on its findings and predications. Basically, it monitors students in real time and creates all type of reports for each student and the college in

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