Strengths And Weaknesses Of Culture Based Education

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William G. Demmert Jr. wrote (2011), “Culture shapes mind…it provides us with the tool kit by which we construct not only our worlds but our very conceptions of ourselves and our powers” (p. 1). William Demmert a Native American, been in the teaching field since 1992. He worked as the Commissioner of Education for Alaska and Director of Indian Education Programs for the U.S. He focuses on finding successful ways to educate American Indians, Native Alaskans, and Hawaiians. Culture-based Education starts off in schools where language and cognition develop. In those schools there are three different types of schools. When implementing a Culture-based education you need a rubric to know what to aim for in that type of program. Explaining what culture-based education specially deals with and what are some strengths and weaknesses of that education. …show more content…

First, the type of schools the culture-based education has available; generic which gears toward academic without including multicultural or ethnic mix students, next multicultural meets the cultural and academic needs for all racial and ethnic students, and third culture specific meets specific culture or

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