Stolen Generation Analysis

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Between the years of 1909-1969, children of Australian Indigenous families were being removed by force and sent to dormitories away from their old life. This tragic event in Australia’s history is known as the Stolen Generations. Perhaps one of the cruellest, inhumane, and unjust pages in the history books, the Stolen Generations caused tremendous pain. The stolen children were erased of their culture, beliefs, language, and traditions. But despite of the fact this black mark on Australia’s history, it taught a valuable lesson which led to changes in politics, the social norms, and opinions. There were many laws in place around the many states of Australia that allowed the Stolen Generations to be taken. In 1915, the New South Wales Aborigines …show more content…

Kevin Rudd’s apology speech had repercussions all over the country to all people. Aborigines were finally satisfied and the hearts of non-Indigenous Australians were softened and became warm and considerate of their Native brethren. To many, the Indigenous people took it an opportunity to let go of the past and move on to spiritual healing. “To me, our Prime Minister 's apology is saying to my granny and the thousands like her, their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, that we understand your pain and we acknowledge this long-ignored chapter in our history.”—Che Cockatoo-Collins, head of the Indigenous Sports Academy, Port Adelaide (Creative Spirits, 2016). “Kevin Rudd 's eloquent and culturally sensitive words undoubtedly facilitated the lifting of the heavy emotional load from the frail shoulders of those beautiful, resilient Stolen Generations victims.”—Stephen Hagan, Aboriginal academic (Creative Spirits, 2016). A particular poem by Kamilaori man named Neville James Draper, written in response to the Prime Ministers apology outlines the thoughts that most of his people had. “Sorry for the lies you told / For the children you stole / Hearts that don 't bleed / Hearts so cold. / Came to this land / With guns in hand / An ancient culture / You wish to disband. / Taken our rights / By days and by nights / Killing our people / And not hearing our plights. / Now it 's the future / And someone …show more content…

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