Stealing Persuasive Speech

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In my years of experience, I've seen and worked countless car burglaries. These are just a few of the simple things to remember to keep your vehicles from being damaged and your items stolen. I think most would agree, taking thirty seconds out of your life is MORE than worth the hundreds to thousands of dollars you'll end up paying after. ONE: Don't leave anything in your vehicle worth stealing! Seriously, I know this one speaks for itself, but you wouldn't believe the items I've been told were stolen from vehicles during the night. Don't leave your book of 100 CD's sitting on the floorboard and expect it to be there in the morning. I know that most people think it's a pain to take in all those pesky belongings when they go inside for the night. …show more content…

THREE: No multiple trips to the car! I know that some of you just LOVE to shop. But try not to make several trips to your vehicle to drop stuff off so you can do more shopping! Same rule as before applies here. When they're watching the lot, they're going to SEE you put that big Best Buy bag into your trunk. Then after you leave, they're going to pry open your trunk and take it. Now you're out the item you bought, PLUS a couple grand in car repair. These types of burglaries occur exponentially more often during the holiday season. Simply put, poor folks and crackheads are gonna need Christmas presents too!!! So they'll be extremely happy to take those expensive items off your hands for you. So, if you're going to multiple locations to do your shopping, you'll probably be ok to leave that stuff in the trunk. But if you're doing all your shopping at the mall, I'd recommend the following. If you're tired of carrying all those bags, take them home. If that's too inconvenient for you, then go shopping with a friend. That way, you can split the bag carrying duties. Then you won't have to go back to the car as soon and you can get more done. FOUR: Don't advertise! Most car burglars are familiar to the neighborhoods they

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