Statement of Purpose to Become a Pediatrician

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If there was a job that I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life, it would definitely be a pediatrician. Pediatricians are smart, hardworking, gentle hearted and amazing people. Although becoming a pediatrician is a very long road, it is very rewarding. High pay and lovable working environment are the best rewards. Being a pediatrician has so many advantages and benefits, but it also has disadvantages and overwhelming requirements. Overall, there are many things that need to be considered before making the decision of becoming a pediatrician such as educational and financial needs. However, I could never imagine myself be anything other than a loving doctor that cares so much for kids.
A pediatrician is a medical practitioner who works with children and their diseases. Being a pediatrician has many advantages including salary, benefits, working conditions, and a high demand in the field of medicine. The average annual salary of a pediatrician is $160,000, but it ranges from $120,000 - $190,000 based on the Medical Group Management Association survey of 2010. (The average hourly salary is $79.) Benefits are another advantage of being a pediatrician. Pediatricians have an average of 14 – 31 days of paid vacation and 12 paid days for sick leaves per year. They also have insurance programs at no cost including medical care plan, dental insurance, vision insurance, and life insurance. The working condition of a pediatrician is actually quite pleasant with big offices, well maintained examination rooms, as well as a reception. All work is done in an indoors environment, which is a great relief from cold winters and burning summers. Since the medical field is a growing career path, the odds of getting employed in the health industry...

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... income of a pediatrician, I would reach my goals with ease. For me, I want to immediately start my career after completing all the requirements, and since the demand for physicians is rapidly increasing, I would have no problem finding a job. I want to someday work at the Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Although there are some cons of being a pediatrician, I am absolutely ready to start my career journey.
In conclusion, a pediatrician is what I want to become for sure. Out of all many career, this is the only career that I can ever imagine myself in. After researching my favorable career, I now am more confident that this job definitely fits my values and lifestyle. Being a pediatrician has many advantages, but, however, it does include some disadvantages. Overall, my love for both children and medicine will surely overcome the disadvantages of being a pediatrician.

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