Statement Of Purpose For Computer Engineering

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My fascination for computers started from my school days and gift of a personal computer by my parents further boosted my quest to learn and understand both hardware and software. By enrolling in ‘Jetking’ Institute, I got acquainted with hardware and operating systems such as Red Hat Linux, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. On completion of high school, I decided that computer science was the most suitable career option. Progressing to Undergraduate studies in Computer Engineering and further gaining professional exposure as a Software Engineer at Mastek Ltd., Master’s program in Programming and Computer Security at Binghamton University is most conducive to my interests and to excel in professional career and I am sure it will enhance my skills through advanced learning and research in the fields of software programming and security. My exposure to Computer Engineering during undergraduate studies augmented my awareness about associated programming languages, such as C++, Java, Python, .NET and its significance in modern computing. My final year project, involved the use of ‘Zig...

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