
1912 Words4 Pages is a masterpiece documentary because of how it accomplishes the virtual aspect of how difficult it is to not only maintain a business but also a long lasting friendship. First let me start off by saying that the easiest thing about starting a business is the “IDEA”. Everyone can come up with ideas on a basic concept that people seem to need, how they will go about fulfilling this need and etc. However again that is the easy part, the difficult part would have to be maintaining this business, keeping it alive/fresh and constantly coming up with new aspects to make their product better than the competition. This is exactly where Kaleil and Tom went wrong. is the story of two best friends since a very young age coming up with an idea of basically paying traffic tickets and registering vehicles online! Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, a savvy business man who left his job at Goldman Sachs felt this idea would be the one that would fulfill his need of money for the rest of his life, and decided to do whatever he could to try and make this idea into a realization. He would later become in charge of all business aspects of the company and C.E.O. Tom Herman, the other half of this project was just in need of money and fast, for he had a daughter that he was unable to take care of. Tom would later become in charge of the technical aspect of the company and C.E.O. This product idea would soon attract a couple of other people to the point where they would even invest their own money just to see this happen. The product would later be named ...

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... idea and were clueless as to how to run that idea to its full potential.

Watching this video has taught me a lot of aspects to the business side of life. It is never easy to run a business, especially one with such high potential. I also know that the most important part of a business, and I can’t stress this enough, is the due diligence. Before entering into a market, you need to understand all aspects and understand how you will be presenting your product. Presentation and unified message is everything to an investor and I feel that by watching, I learned a bunch of details which I did not know before. Govworks is an excellent learning experience to acknowledge how tough the real world is.

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