Sports Leadership Research Paper

625 Words2 Pages

In a sports team, the existence of a leader is essential since it provides an improvement in performance, greater stability, greater commitment and motivation in the group. A leader must be able to educate, instruct, and direct all the individuals that make up the group. They can motivate, communicate, convince, and get the commitment of all its members (coaches, trainers, players, etc.) to achieve the common goal. The leadership of some people who either by their position, by their function or by their relationships influence other people directing them. This is clearly seen in team sports with the figure of the captain.
The leader must be an example for others, transmit confidence, be responsible, honest, respectful, positive, fair, reasonable, mature, assertive, patient, able to listen to the opinion of others, and help them in everything. Therefore, leadership in sports is the ability of a coach or a player to positively influence the group. …show more content…

This process of determining influence from the Trainer to the Sportsman affects not only the technical and tactical scope, but the emotional and cognitive level of the athlete. The sport’s coach or leader of the training and competition process, when he or she can, must drive the thoughts, emotions and actions of his or her athletes. We define leadership as, “Using influence in an organizational setting or situation, producing effects that are meaningful and have a direct impact on accomplishing challenging goals” (Ivancevich, page

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